The Zavode Republikanski za Evpravni Studije (ZAVRES: Republican College of Administrative Studies) is one of the most prestigious Mordvanian universities, created in 1569 by Javor Jakopin to democratise access to the senior civil service. It is now entrusted with the selection and initial training of senior Mordvanian officials. It is one of the most elite Mordvanian colleges, both because of its low acceptance rates and because a large majority of its candidates have already graduated from the best graduate schools in the country. The ZAVRES thus stand as one of the symbols of the meritocracy, along with other state universities, offering to its students access to high positions in the public and private sectors.

Originally located in Slovograd, it has now been almost completely relocated to Brezedina, although it continues to maintain a campus in the Mordvanian capital. ZAVRES produces around 100 graduates every year, known as upravni-ucenek or "zavresnaki" for short. In 1580 the Institute of International Relations which educated foreign civil servants under a common structure with ZAVRES was fused with it.


ZAVRES was created in 1569 to make recruitment for various high administrative bodies more rational and democratic. During the Abdanian monarchy, each ministry had its own competitive exam and this could lead sometimes to some kind of nepotism or influence. Most of the higher positions in the administration were established by ethnic Abdanians, who often did not speak Mordvanian language. During the 1566 revolution and the civil war, many of the Abdanian civil servants either fled the country or weren't trusted by the republican authorities. From 1566 to 1569, the new ministries were often created by officials from different political parties under the republican coalition governments, and therefore they lacked standardization for a while. According to the new approach, under the leadership of Minister of Public Education and Culture Javor Jakopin, a system solely based on academic proficiency and competitive examinations makes recruitment to top positions more transparent without suspicion of political or personal preference.

Access to senior positions of the Mordvanian civil service is since then threefold: first, through generalist civil service positions which ZAVRES leads to, second through technical and engineering positions, third through internal promotion.

ZAVRES offers free education to all Mordvanian citizens, including the costs of residence and subsistence. Access is however limited and restrictive through standardized examinations, and only a few hundred students are accepted every year.

Recruitment and educational organization

Admission to ZAVRES is granted based on a competitive examination taking place from the end of Septem to Nueva. The entrance exam is divided into two parts:

The writter part includes:
  • An essay on public law
  • An essay on economics
  • An essay on a question about the role of public institutions and their relations with the society
  • An essay on Brigidnan and Mordvanian history
  • A commentary on administrative law and social policies
The oral exam, taken only by those with the highest marks at the written exam, consists of:
  • An oral examination on International Politics
  • An oral examination on Mordvanian republicanism
  • A Florinthian or Lanlian oral test
  • A collective exam, simulating a case in management to assess interaction skills
  • a 40-minute exam, based on the CV given by the candidate

Results of this exam process are published by the end of Dein.

Following a two-year intensive programme combining high-responsibility internships and examinations, ZAVRES ranks students according to their results. Students are then asked, by order of merit, the position/body they want to join. Top-ranked students usually join the Ministry of Finance, the Social and Economic Council, usually followed by the Ministry of Republican Affairs and the diplomatic service. Other students will join various minor ministries, the local voyvodeships or the judiciary system.


Very few zavresneki (around 1%) actually get involved in politics. Most ZAVRES students hold apolitical, technical positions in the Mordvanian civil service. Many become business executives as well, in both state-owned and private companies.

Mordvanian law makes it relatively easy for civil servants to enter politics: civil servants who are elected or appointed to a political position do not have to resign their position in the civil service; instead, they are put in a situation of "temporary leave". If they are not re-elected or reappointed, they may ask for their reintegration into their service. In addition, ZAVRES graduates are often recruited as aides by government ministers and other politicians; this makes it easier for some of them to enter a political career.

A recent research showed that around 20% of the 40-year or younger MPs elected to the Assembly of Representatives during 1576-1582 were zavresneki.

Since its creation in 1569, the ZAVRES has trained more than 2000 Mordvanian senior officials.

International cooperation

East Kaljurand

An agreement was signed in Mestarka on 26 Alvan 1580 between the ZAVRES and the Federal University of Iossillin which envisages cooperation in modernization of state administration and improving skills of public servants in East Kaljurand.


An agreement was signed in late 1582 between the Khiblander Ministry of Education and the ZAVRES, in order to offer scholarships and grants to Khiblander students.