Jätten Corporation

Jätten Corporation is a Lanlanian-based company founded in 1550, with its headquarters located in Halvadag. It concentrates on providing security services, including training localized government forces, and translation services as well as logistics and infrastructure construction to high risk, post-conflict zones. It provides security services to several nations Siora wide, but mostly the Holy Lanlanian Empire. It was most notably involved in reconstruction and security efforts in post-war Eastern Kaljurand.

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Corporate History

Board of Directors


Security Services

Jätten Corporation's flagship program is a "go anywhere" Security service. Jätten operators are trained for nearly several conditions and environments at Jätten's Operator Security Forces School as well as their CIOIS facility in Halvadag. Their facilities include a man-made lake, with stacked containers simulating the hull and deck of a ship for maritime assaults as well as a man-made forest and swamp. Security services offered include: protection of high value individuals, protection of national/corporate properties, high-risk logistics protection in and out of conflict zones and various other scenarios.

Jätten Corporation has notoriously hired ex-military personnel from nations worldwide for their "high-risk operator" positions.

Logistics Services

Jätten Corporation offers secure logistics solutions to contracting nations, stating they will offer these solutions for "any environment, including combat zones or hazardous areas."

Translation Services

Jätten Corporation boasts "the most extensive language program in Siora" that they use in their Translation Services. Jätten provides translators to contracting nations for any purpose, including high intensity conflict zones, based on their needs.

Counter-Insurgency Operations School (CIOIS)

One of Jätten Corporation's main services offered to nations is their Counter-Insurgency Operations School. The service offers counter-insurgency tactics and weapons training to military, government, and law enforcement agencies. The program is designed to assist developed nations as well as post-conflict nations in enhancing or developing their security apparatus' counter-insurgency doctrine. The program offers two methods of distribution: a nation can send officers to the training center in Halvadag, or Jätten Corporation can send instructors to the contracting nation and assist in the development of local CIOIS facilities.

The CIOIS program is overseen and was created by Jätten Corporation's Chief Operations Officer, retired Lanlanian General Carl Lindgren.

Infrastructure Redevelopment Program

Jätten Corporation employs several hundred Civil Engineers in the Infrastructure Redevelopment Program. This program is designed to assist post-conflict nations in rapidly and cheaply reconstructing vital damaged infrastructure. Engineers from the program are sent in to contracting nations alongside Jätten Security personnel and oversee redevelopment projects that employ locals. The program aims to help in the redevelopment of water distribution and waste water reclamation systems, roads, airports, seaports, and housing.

Contracts Received


In 1578 Jätten Corporation received a multi-billion Valta contract to repair key infrastructure in Eastern Kaljurand and to set up and maintain a CIOIS facility in the nation's capitol of Iossilin.

In 1581 Jätten completed the reconstruction of several of East Kaljurand's airports, seaports and roads with work continuing on some of the more drastically effected areas including Hendrik Kuusk International Airport in the city of Kesküla.

In 1582 Jätten completed work on more than 200 waste water reclamation facilities in East Kaljurand, most of these facilities were built in communities who had not previously had any form of waste water reclamation. Along with this the manager for Jätten's Kaljurand operations, Anders Nilsson, announce completion of the part of Jätten's contract for 15,000 multi-family residencies in communities across East Kaljurand.

Legal Controversies

In 1565 Jätten Corporation was subject to an inquiry from the Lanlanian government regarding practices in under-developed nations. The inquiry uncovered misconduct by several of Jätten's employees, who were swiftly fired by their Senior managers. Jätten was fined V4 Billion as a result, and several of the offending persons were imprisoned.