
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Sáppá , officially the Sáppá Nation, is a sovereign nation state in the Marzanna region of northern Brigidna. It is bordered by Harmajaar to the west, Duran to the east andSeveryane to the south. Sáppá is very minimally inhabited, with most people clustered into nomadic villages throughout the small country. These villages move on a seasonal basis, herding reindeer throughout the country as they move to warmer grounds every winter. The Sáppá coastline is dominated by small fishing villages and towns which continue the age long traditions of whale, seal, bird and fish harvesting in a form of subsistence harvest.

Sáppá is the home to over 700,000 native Sáppá tribesmen and tribeswoman. The society is based around principles of equality and liberty, with every tribesman and tribeswoman having a say in tribal elections, where a chief is elected from the elders to lead the tribe. The Sáppá people are for the most part hunters, either hunting for sea creatures along the coast or for the iconic Sáppá reindeer which frolic in the country's open snow plains.

Sáppá is a country that still runs on traditional principles, and has never had a need to change. The Sáppá economy is based on bartering, where people exchange goods in order to fulfill their own needs. Because of very limited contact with outside peoples the nation has had no need to alter its ways to meet with the ways of the other Sioran nations. Sáppá resents being called backwards by other nations and prefers to pride itself on its traditions that stretch back centuries and more.


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