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The Imperial Republic of Drah was recognized by Mestra in late 1311 by Empress Isabella, by a royal decree releasing the colony from the Mestran Imperium.
The Imperial Republic of Drah was recognized by Mestra in late 1311 by Empress Isabella, by a royal decree releasing the colony from the Mestran Imperium.
===Imperial Republic===
===Growth of the Nation===
<big>Early Years</big><br>
<big>Early Years</big><br>
The years following the independence of the Imperial Republic proved to be somewhat tumultuous, the new Empire contained several factions in the Imperial government alone and several secessionist rebellions occurred, especially in the Navajae Jungle region, and much of Emperor Velor's reign was comprised of resolving internal conflicts and rebellions that threatened the newly-formed country, either by diplomacy or military might. By Velor's death in 1343 he had been able to consolidate Imperial power and it was not until almost 200 years later, during the Drah-Indian War that Drahen became embroiled in any major internal conflicts.
The years following the independence of the Imperial Republic proved to be somewhat tumultuous, the new Empire contained several factions in the Imperial government alone and several secessionist rebellions occurred, especially in the Navajae Jungle region, and much of Emperor Velor's reign was comprised of resolving internal conflicts and rebellions that threatened the newly-formed country, either by diplomacy or military might. By Velor's death in 1343 he had been able to consolidate Imperial power and it was not until almost 200 years later, during the Drah-Indian War that Drahen became embroiled in any major internal conflicts.

Revision as of 23:54, 11 December 2018

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Imperial Republic of Drahen, commonly known as Drahen or the Imperial Republic, is a sovereign state in Skathia. Lying on the north-eastern coast of Skathia, the country is bisected by the Drah Strait into two major parts, The Isle of Drahn to the east and the Navajae Jungle to the west, along with many smaller islands. Drahen is surrounded by the Lagrain Sea to the east and north, and several countries to the west and the south.

Drahen is the 4th-most populous country on Siora, with an estimated 235 million inhabitants as of 1595. It is constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of governance. It's capital city is Telos the fourth-largest urban area on Drahen, and Traus is the largest city and the major economic center. The current monarch —since 1581— is Emperor Quintilus Valerii II. The Imperial Republic consists of 20 provinces along with the Imperial District, which contains Telos, the capitol.

The Imperial Republic is a newly industrialized country and has the world's 5th-largest economy by GDP and has the world's fastest growing economy, with an average GDP growth of 2.5% per year. The country is categorized as high in the Human Development Index. Drahen is a emerging power with considerable economic, military, cultural, military and political influence in eastern Skathia, and has moderate influence on international affairs.



Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The history of Drahen starts with indigenous people in Drahen. Brigandians arrived in the mid-9th country, with the first colony established in the early 10th centry under the sponsorship of the Mestran Imperium. From the 10th century to the 13th century Drahen was a colony and a part of the Mestran Imperium. The country expanded west from the Isle of Drah into the Navajae Jungle, with the country's borders only finalized in the mid 14th century. In 1304, the colony declared it's independence from Mestra and became the Imperial Republic of Drahen.

Pre-Colonial Drahen

Prehistoric Period
One of the first evidences of human activity was pottery excavated in the Navajae Jungle near the city of Aldlyn, which was carbon dated to 1000 BCE. Several Prehistoric Drah societies, especially near the coast, were mainly based on agriculture, using techniques such as irrigation and terracing; animal husbandry and fishing were also important. Organization relied on reciprocity and redistribution because these societies had no notion of market or money. Development of a complex mythological and religious complex, a numeric system and social stratification, followed by cultural and economic centers. However a majority of societies, especially deep in the Navajae jungle were semi-nomadic who subsisted on hunting, fishing, gathering, and migrant agriculture.

Pre-Classic Period
Several complex societies developed during the Pre-Classical Period, both along the coast of the Navajae Jungle and on what is now known as the Isle of Drahn. They have been generally divided into 4 main socities: Wayra, Kisecawchuck, Aputsiaq, and Kermode, each of which flourished at different times. THe Aputsiaq originated as a coalition of tribes in the Navajae jungle and flourished from around 700-300 BCE. The reasons of the dissolution of the Aputsiaq coalition is not well known, but cultural traits diffused into other throughout the Navajae Jungle and this formative period saw the spread of the Aputsiaq religious and symbolic traditions, as well as artistic and architectural complexes.

Several societies rose to importance after 300 BCE, including the Wayra, Kisecawchuck, and Kermode. The Wayra were renowned for their agricultural system which fertilized the Navajae jungle, their sophisticated ceramic pottery, their lofty buildings, and clever metalwork. The Wayra were the great city builders of pre-Mestran civilization; as loose confederation of cities scattered along the coast of the Strait of Drah. The Kisecawchuck, on the Isle of Drahn developed large urban settlements and wide-ranging state systems.

Classic Period
The Classical Period is defined by the rise of the Ukaleq, and Cuauhtémoc, in the Navajae Jungle and the Isle of Drahn respectively, from 500 CE until the establishment of a the Royal Mestran colony of Drahasia. Previously the Ukaleq represented one of the small and relatively minor ethnic groups, though starting around 500 CE, they started to expand and incorporate their neighbors. Ukaleq expansion was slow until 550 CE, when the pace of conquest began to accelerate. Within the next 50 years the Ukaleq came to control most of the Navajae Jungle region, with a population of 9 to 16 million inhabitants under their rule. The Ukaleq also promulgated a comprehensive code of laws to govern the far-flung empire along with creating a religion of King worship. Over the next 100 years , the Ukaleq used a variety of methods, from conquest to peaceful assimilation, to incorporate a large portion of the Wayra.

The Cuauhtémoc reached their zenith of power in 900 CE, with their political and economic influence extending throughout most of the Isle of Drahn. Their capital, Telountichian, had a population estimated at over 150,000 and stretched over some 5 square kilometers. The Cuauhtémoc Empire was considered a an informal or hegemonic empire because it did not exert supreme authority over the conquered lands; it merely expected tributes to be paid. It was also a discontinuous empire because not all dominated territories were connected The hegemonic nature of the Cuauhtémoc empire can be seen in the fact that generally local rulers were restored to their positions once their city-state was conquered and the Cuauhtémoc rulers did not interfere in local affairs, as long as the tribute payments were made.

Colonial Drahen

Initial Colonization
The coast of North East Skathia, which now makes the Imperial Republic was discovered by Brigandian powers in 964 CE by the Lanlanian Röllö Rïdbrid. Several expeditions were sent by various countries after the discovery, though no major efforts at colonization or exploration were taken until the Mestran Expedition of 1011, which established contact with the Cuauhtémoc and the Ukaleq in 1017. The first colonization attempt by the Mestrans occurred in 1033, near blank, but the colony ultimately failed and not further attempts were made at colonization until 1056, creating the town of Wildefield. Over the next 50 years, several dozen colonies were established, however decentralized and unorganized tendencies of the colonies proved problematic, and in 1099, the Emperor of Mestra restructured them into the Mestran Royal Colony of Drahsia, a single and centralized Mestran colony in Skathia, ruled by the brother of the Emperor, Justinian Valerii.

Period of Conquest
For the first century of colonization, the indigenous and Brigidian groups lived in a near constant war, establishing opportunistic alliances in order to gain advantages against each other. However by 1127, the Mestrans had destroyed the Cuauhtémoc Empire and had the Ukaleq kingdom contained to a few last holdouts on the Isle of Drah, the last of which fell in 1130.

Colonial Expansion
The Mestran colonization after the first few years mainly focused on the existing native cities since these areas could provide the settlers with a disciplined labor force. Mestran expeditions known as gradually advanced the colonial original frontiers in Skathia to approximately the current Drah borders. In this era other Brigandian powers tried to colonize parts of Drahsia, in incursions that the Mestra had to fight.

Colonial law with Mestran roots but original native features were introduced, creating a hierarchy between local jurisdiction and the Crown's, whereby upper administrative offices were closed to the natives, even those of pure Mestran blood. Administration was based on the racial separation of the population among Mestrans, natives, and those of mixed blood, autonomous and directly dependent on the king himself

From an economic point of view, the colony of Drahasia was administered principally for the benefit of the Empire and its military and defensive efforts. Competition with the Mestran Imperium was discouraged. In order to protect the colony from the attacks of Brigandian pirates, as well as the Crown's revenue, only a few ports were open to other Brigandan powers.

Education was encouraged by the Crown from the very beginning, and Drahen boasts the first primary school, first university and the first printing house in Skathia. Indigenous languages were studied during the first centuries, and became official languages in the so-called "Colony of Indians", only to be outlawed and ignored after independence until the early 1500s.

The colonial administration in Drahen had two objectives that would ensure colonial order, and the monopoly of its wealthiest and largest colony: both keep under control and eradicate all forms of rebellion and resistance, as well as repress all movements for autonomy or independence.

In the late 1200s, while many Mestran Colonies were swept by wars of independence, Drahen remained a royalist stronghold. As the elite vacillated between emancipation and loyalty to the Mestran Monarchy. During the late 1200s, the colony had obtained political and economic automony, due the size and economic strength of the colony. Due to fears of revolution in Drahasia, flamed by revolutions in various other colonies, the Mestran crown issued the Imperial Proclamation of 1304, which threatened to undermine the political and economic autonomy that the colony had been able to obtain.

Drah leaders convened with the leader of the Royal Mestran Colony of Drahasia, Arch-Duke Velor of Drahsia, Prince of the Mestran Imperium, convinced Velor to declare Drah independence from the Mestran Imperium on (date). Prince Velor was proclaimed as Autokrator of Drahen, first Emperor of the newly created Imperial Republic of Drahen, a constitutional monarchy.

The declaration of independence was opposed throughout Drahen by armed military units loyal to Mestra. The ensuing war of independence was fought across the country for the better part of a decade, with battles in the northern, northeastern, and southern regions. The turning point in the conflict occurred when the entire 5th Fleet, homeported in Drahen declared loyalty to the Imperial Republic, as a result, many Mestran forces were eventually cut off from supplies, and the last Mestran Stronghold something was defeated in early 1311.

The Imperial Republic of Drah was recognized by Mestra in late 1311 by Empress Isabella, by a royal decree releasing the colony from the Mestran Imperium.

Growth of the Nation

Early Years
The years following the independence of the Imperial Republic proved to be somewhat tumultuous, the new Empire contained several factions in the Imperial government alone and several secessionist rebellions occurred, especially in the Navajae Jungle region, and much of Emperor Velor's reign was comprised of resolving internal conflicts and rebellions that threatened the newly-formed country, either by diplomacy or military might. By Velor's death in 1343 he had been able to consolidate Imperial power and it was not until almost 200 years later, during the Drah-Indian War that Drahen became embroiled in any major internal conflicts.

Emperor Augustinus was crowned Autokrator of the Imperial Republic of Drahen in 1343, after the death of his father, Velor Valerii. He inherited from his father a state that was politically stable, though economically weakened, after nearly two decades of instability. Augustinus had to navigate two major crisis that helped to develop Drahen's prestige and economic power that would set it's course as a regional power in Skathia.

Emperor Augustinus saw himself as an enlightened leader and pushed progressive initiatives in technology and institutions. The creation of Crown companies allowed Augustinus to develop the telegraph and railroad industries throughout the country despite having several weak Prime Ministers and set the precedent of the Emperor as a neutral figure — one who could stand above political factions and petty interests to address discontent and moderate disputes. Internationally, Brigandian's came to see the country as embodying familiar liberal ideals, such as freedom of the press and constitutional respect for civil liberties. Its representative parliamentary monarchy also stood in stark contrast to the mix of dictatorships and instability endemic in the other nations of Skathia during this period.

By the start of Emperor Aemilius's reign in 1385, Drahen enjoyed internal stability and relative economic prosperity. The nation's infrastructure was being developed at a rapid pace, with progress in the construction of railroads, the electric telegraph and steamship lines further uniting Drahen into a cohesive national entity. The Drahen economy grew rapidly due to railroad, shipping and other modernization projects and high rates of immigration. The Empire became known internationally as a modern and progressive nation, second only to the Nyland in the Skathian region.

Throughout Aemilius's reign, the Industrial Revolution started to have a major effect on the Drah economy as the economy maturted and saw the change from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, the increasing use of steam power, the development of machine tools and the rise of the factory system. As Drahen continued to industrialize the nation saw rapid sustained growth in average income and population.

Taming the Navajae
By the beginning of Emperor Gaius's reign in 1447, the Isle of Drah was by far the most developed and industralized area in all of Eastern Skathia. However, the western part of the nation had very little development until this point. Any major settlements were clustered in on the coast of the Straits of Drah and outside of the occasional exploration or trading mission, the interior of the Navajae Jungle was still wild and unexplored. However with colonies and new nation-states in the region continuing to expand, the government of Drahen became increasingly worried that it would not be able to hold it's territorial claims in the Navajae Jungle. As a result, starting in the 1455 the government started offering considerable subsidies to civilians and business that would move into the interior of the Navajae and begin the process of industrializing and development. However with the increasing number of settlers in the region they quickly came into contact with natives, and relations soon soured. The government began deploying military forces to the region in order to protect settlers and workers in the region. However, the situation in the Navajae began to degrade very rapidly as military forces soon showed an inability to deal diplomatically with the natives, and in several cases actually incited additional violence against native peoples. This finally culminated in the Tungun Massacre in 1473, where a native tribe wiped out a town of almost 150 setters after they cut down a grove of trees sacred to the tribe. As a result of this, the government declared a native removal and resettlement program and began forcibly removing and relocating native tribes to reservations, many times hundreds of kilometers from their tribal homelands. The native tribes began to resort to guerrilla strikes against the military, which resulted in the military starting a policy of corner and trap, where soldiers would slowly box in a tribe until they could bring overwhelming firepower against the natives if the resisted, often resulting in many native deaths. By the turn of the 1500s the Navajae Jungle was considered pacified, however, the government would soon find how pacified the native tribes truly were.

Drah-Indian War

Contemporary History

Post-War Growth

Rise of Pan-Nationalism

Green Coup




Administrative Divisions

Map of Drah Provinces

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.The Imperial Republic is a composed of 20 provinces and the Imperial District (which contains the capital city, Telos) and hundreds of Municipalities. States have autonomous administrations, and collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the central government. They have a governor and a unicameral legislative body elected directly by their voters and are granted power over provincial affairs, providing primary and secondary schools, oversight and control of provincial and municipal expenditures, providing for law enforcement and maintenance of local police forces and the creation of provincial law, as long as such laws do not infringe upon existing national law.

The provinces and capital district may be grouped into two distinct regions, the Ubertan Isle, and the Navajae Jungle. The two regions are merely geographical and not political or administrative divisions. The Ubertan Isle holds the majority of the population of the Imperial Republic and as a result is the more industrialized and advanced of the two regions. The Navajae jungle is the least inhabited region of Drahen with only around 10% of the population occupying almost 50% of the land area of Drahen. However, the area has many natural resources and development in the area continues to grow quickly.

Municipalities, much like the states, have autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the central and provincial government. Each has a mayor and an elected legislative body, and has the power setting of municipal budgets, oversight of expenditures, creation of jobs, the nomination of civil servants, and the creation of municipal laws, as long as they do not infringe upon existing laws set by the central and provincial government.

Government and Politics

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.The Government of Drahen is a Representative Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy and is the second largest Monarchy in Siora behind Ishnalla. The government is comprised of four main branches as stated by the Constitution, the legislative branch, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Judiciary and the Emperor. The Council of State and Council of Ministers assist the Emperor and Prime Minister, respectively, in their official duties.

Politics and Elections

The major political parties in 1574 are as follows: The Drahen Socialist Party (DSP), the Imperial People's Party (IPP), the Drahen Republican Party (DRP), One Empire, and the Green Party (Major Political Parties are defined as a party that obtains more than 10% of the vote).


Drahn law is based on the civil law legal system and civil law concepts prevail over common law practice. Most of Drahn law is codified, although non-codified statues also represent a substantial part and play a complementary role. Court decisions set out interpretive guidelines, however they are seldom binding on other specific cases. Doctrinal works and the works of academic jurists have strong influence in law creation and in law cases.

The legal system is based on the Imperial Constitution which was ratified in 1310, and is the fundamental law of Drahen. All other legislation and court decisions must conform to the constitution of the country. Provinces in Drahen have their own constitutions, but state constitutions cannot contradict the Imperial Constitution. Municipalities and the Imperial District have "organic laws", which act in a similar way to constitutions. Legislative entities are the main source of statutes, although in certain matters the judiciary and executive bodies may enact legal norms. Jurisdiction is administered by the judiciary, although in rare situations the Constitution allows the General Assembly to pass on legal judgments. The highest court in Drahen is the Drahen Supreme Court.

Law enforcement and crime

In Drahen there are three major police agencies for law enforcement: the Imperial Police (Vigilum imperatoria), the Imperial Guard (Imperatoria cohors) and the Municipal Police (Vigiles urbani). The Imperial Police and Imperial Guard are afflicted to the national government and the Municipal police are subordinated to their local town or city. The Imperial Police is the national civilian police force and the main civil law enforcement agency in areas not covered in by the Municipal Police. The Imperial Guard is the police force of Drahen tasked with high-risk and specialized law enforcement duties. The Guard is a militarized force, but is subordinated to the Interior Ministry and doesn't have responsibility for policing the armed forces. The municipal police are the local police of Drahen, and are under the direct authority of the mayor of the town or city.

Drahen has above-average levels of crime, however crime rates vary significantly by province. Provinces in the Navajae Jungle see almost five times as much violent crime than on the Isle of Drahn. This is attributed to Drahen being a major thoroughfare for drug and narcotic trafficking to Brigidna and internationally.

Foreign Relations

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for managing the foreign relations of Drahen. Drahen is a significant political and economic power in East Skathia and a key player on the world stage. Drahen's foreign policy reflects its role as a regional power and a potential world power and is designed to help protect the country's national interests, national security, ideological goals, and economic prosperity.

During the rule of Emperor Quintilus Valerii I, the government sought to expand Drahen's influence in Siora by pursuing pursuing a state-led industrial policy and independent foreign policy. With the rise of Prime Minister Gallus Statius, in 1560 to the office of the Prime Minister, Drahen's foreign policy aimed to strengthen ties with other countries throughout Skathia and several nationalist and pan-nationalist countries abroad, while continuing to maintain relationships with great powers and act as a countervailing force to Brigandian political and economic influence in Skathia.

However, after the overthrow of Prime Minister Gallus Statius in 1588 the new government has attempted to renormalize and expand diplomatic relations with nations throughout Siora. In 1592, the government of Drahen signed the Denali Accord, becoming a founding member of the United Allied States along with the Mestran Imperium and the Grand Kingdom of Arkiania.


Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.The Drah Armed Forces, also known as the Armed Forces of the Imperial Republic of Drahen, or DAF is the unified military forces of the Imperial Republic of Drahen. The Drah Armed forces can draw it's history from Mestran Colonial Troops that followed the first settlers into the region in 1033 that would become known as Drahen, which later developed into the Royal Drah Colonial Force in 1099 after the Mestrans unified the colony as the Mestran Royal Colony of Drahsia. From there the Colonial Force developed into the Armed Forces of the Imperial Republic post-independence from Mestra in 1311. During the early and mid-1500s the military swelled to over 1 million active duty forces mainly due to the Drah-Indian War. However, by the 1560s reform minded governments had reduced the size of the armed forces to near their current day status.

The DAF is divided into three branches: Imperial Army, Imperial Air Force and Imperial Navy and has the second largest military in Skathia behind Nyland, and the largest in the local region. The budget for the military was $97,350,440,517 compromising 2% of the national GDP in 1595. Total Force composition in 1595 was 482,000 active-duty troops, 161 ships, and 2,000 fixed-wing and rotary aircraft.

The DAF is extremely involved in civic-action programs throughout the nation, with education, health care and and infrastructure development being the focus, especially in the less developed Navajae Jungle region of the nation. Due to the volatility of the nations on the eastern boarder the military regularly conducts operations to intercept rebel groups and drug cartels in the region.


The Imperial Drahen Army is the land arm of the Imperial Armed Forces and comprises a majority of the Armed Forces and is responsibility for land-based military operations. The Imperial Army has been involved in several major conflicts, the most recent being the Tambossan Civil War. The Imperial Army has an active duty force of some 350,000 active-duty soldiers, and over 500,000 reservists.

The structure of the army has historically had two headquarters: operational, compromised of combat units, and administrative, containing various support functions. The operational component of the army is compromised of 14 armored brigades, 17 mechanized brigades, 9 infantry brigades, and 4 commando brigades, and 5 aviation regiments.

The Imperial Army is the only military force that accepts conscripts, with all other branches being entirely composed of volunteers. As a result, the Imperial Army has a reputation of personnel being of lower quality than the other two branches, with many soldiers serving out their 18 month required service in the administrative component of the army.


The Imperial Drahn Navy is the sea arm of the Imperial Armed Forces and is the second largest branch of the Armed Forces with around 60,000 active duty sailors and 12,000 marines. The Imperial Drah Navy is divided into two major components: Fleet Force, which contain all blue-water ships of the Drah Navy, and the Coastal-Riverline Force which contains Drahen's green and brown water vessels. The Drah Navy operates ... ships including 4 aircraft carriers, 1 battleship (kept ceremonially operational), 4 Cruisers, 24 destroyers, 24 frigates, 8 amphibious transport docks, 20 support ships, 22 submarines, 24 corvettes, 36 offshore patrol ships, along with numerous smaller brown-water craft.

The Fleet Force is divided into four numbered fleets and a separate Submarine Service. The Fleet Force is used for overseas power projection and is often called upon to show the flag. The four fleets each containing the following forces: 1 aircraft carrier, 1 cruiser, 6 destroyers, 6 frigates, 2 amphibious transport docks, and 5 support ships. The Submarine Service contains all 22 of Drahen's diesel-electric attack submarines. The navy usually has 2 fleets on patrol, 1 on refit, and 1 training for patrol. However, during periods of conflict the navy can field 3 fleets for an extended period of time, and all four fleets on an emergency basis.

The Coastal-Riverline Force is divided into 12 squadrons. As it's name suggests, the Force provides Coastal and inland protection for the nation. 1st-4th Squadrons are compromised of 6 corvettes per squadron, 5th-9th Squadrons are compromised of 9 offshore patrol ships per squadron, and 10-14th Squadrons are strictly brown-water forces.

The IDN also includes the Imperial Drah Marines, which is a quasi-autonomous organization. The Marines are responsible for conducting amphibious operations with the IDN. The Marines are organized into two Brigades under the Marine HQ. The Marines have around 500 tracked vehicles including assault amphibious vehicles, main battle tanks and self-propelled artillery.

Air Force

The Imperial Air Force is the aerial warfare service branch of the Drahen Armed Forces and is the third largest branch of the Armed Forces. The IAF has an active strength of 60,000 military personnel and operates some 630 manned aircraft.

The IAF is divided into two main commands: Combatant Air Force, and Air Defense. These two commands consist of: 19 combat squadrons, 1 reconnaissance squadron, 6 training squadron, 1 tanker squadron, and 8 SAM missile squadrons. The IAF operates: multi-role fighters (245), fighter-bombers (62), reconnaissance aircraft (18), Airborne early warning and control aircraft (4), Electronic Warfare aircraft (4), Aerial refueling aircraft (8), medium (10) and light transport (72) aircraft, training aircraft (128) rotary wing-aircraft (72), and various Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.


Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Drahen is the 2nd largest national economy of Skathia and the Siora's 5th largest economy according to 1595 estimates. It's GDPpc was $20,654.98 in 1595, putting the nation 90th in the world. Drahen has a mixed economy with abundant natural resources.

In Drahen the service sector is the largest component of the gross domestic product at 67%, followed by the industrial sector (27.5%) and agriculture (5.5%). With over 110 million people in the labor force, some 10% are occupied in agriculture, 19% in industry, and 71% in the service sector. As of 1595 unemployment stood at 5.3%

From 1533 to 1588, the Drah economy was one of the fastest growing in Skathia, with an annual growth rate of over 2.5%. In 1588 the Drahen economy entered a sharp recession after the attempted coup by former Prime Minister Gallus Statius and has only started to recover. Under the new government of Prime Minister Justinian Diogenus the government has put major efforts into fiscal sustainability, as well as measures taken to liberalize and open the economy after the nationalization of many major industries.


Agriculture in Drahen has historically be one of the principal bases of Drahen's economy. Main agricultural products include: coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus and beef. Drahen has a robust agribusiness sector with with growth of 9.1%, principally motivated by favorable weather. The production of grains in the year reached an unprecedented 145,400,000 tons.That record output employed an additional 4.8% in planted area, with a total of 65,338,000 hectares and producing $148 billion credits, with principal products being corn and soy. The island of Drah has higher rainfall, more fertile soil, more advanced technology and input use, adequate infrastructure and more experienced farmers. This region produces most of Drahen's grains, oilseeds (and exports). The Navajae jungle, which compromises the eastern part of Drahen lacks well-distributed rainfall, good soil, adequate infrastructure and development capital. Although mostly occupied by subsistence farmers, the region is becoming increasingly important as exporters of forest products, cocoa and tropical fruits.


Drahen has the 2nd largest manufacturing sector in the Skathian continent, accounting for 27.5% of GDP and 19 % of the labor force. Some major industries include: textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore, tin, steel, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, and other machinery and equipment. In the last 80 years, with increased economic stability after the Drah-Indian War, Drah and multinational businesses have invested heavily in new equipment and technology. Drahen has extensive mineral resources. Large iron and manganese reserves are important sources of industrial raw materials and export earnings. Deposits of nickel, tin, chromite, uranium, bauxite, beryllium, copper, lead, tungsten, zinc, gold, and other minerals are exploited. Drahen also has a diverse and sophisticated service industry as well. The banking and financial sector counts for around 10% of the GDP and provides a wide range of products to the region and attracting numerous new entrants, including Brigandian financial firms.


The Drah government for the last 30 years has undertaken a major program to reduce dependence on imported petroleum, with imports accounting for more than 70% of the country's oil needs in 1550. However, with increased tapping of oil reserves and shifts to renewable energy, the government expects Drahen to be self-sufficient in oil by 1600. Brazil is one of the world's leading produces of hydroelectric power due to the extensive number of rivers in the country, and it provides some 80% of the nation's electricity. In addition, the government is expected to expand the number of nuclear reactors in the country to 20 by 1610.


Roads in Drahen are the primary carriers of freight and passenger traffic. The road system totals over 1.98 million kilometers, and has grown significantly in the last few decades. In contrast however, the railway system of Drahen has been in decline in the last few decades, with the shift to road networks. Since 1520, the total length of railway track has reduced from 31,848 km to 30,875 km in 1570. There are several major metro systems throughout Drahen including Traus, Telos, Newgate, and Wintercrest.

Drahen has around 2,500 airports throughout Drahen, many of which are rough landing fields throughout the country. Traus International Airport, is the largest and busiest airport in Drahen with almost 43,645,849 passengers in 1581 and handles the vast majority of commercial traffic for the country.

Waterways play an important role in transportation, especially in the Navajae Jungle where many remote villages are only accessible by water. Major waterways in Drahen are maintained with a 6 meter minimum depth requirement, and there are over three dozen deep-water ports throughout the country. In addition several major international and coastal shipping go through the Drah strait that bisects the country.



The official language of the Imperial Republic is Mestran Imperial and Mestran Common. Mestran Common is by far the most common spoken language and is the only language used in newspapers, radio, television, though Mestran Imperial is used for official business and administrative purposes.

The Mestran Common that most of the Drah population speaks however is of a different dialect that that spoken in the Mestran Imperium due to the separation between the two countries and influence of local languages. As a result, the languages are somewhat different, mostly in phonology, from the language that is spoken in the Mestran Imperium. Drahen is the only Mestran-speaking nation in Skathia, making the language an important part of Drah national identity and giving it a national culture distinct from those of its neighbors.



The National Education Act of 1531 determine that the Imperial Government, States, and municipalities must manage and organize their respective education systems. Each of these public educational systems is responsible for its own maintenance, which manages funds as well as the mechanisms and funding sources. The National Education Act reserves 25% of the state budget and 18% of federal taxes and municipal taxes for education.

According to international reports, in 1568, the literacy rate of the population was 90.4%, meaning that 19 million (9.6% of population) people are still illiterate in the country; functional illiteracy has reached 21.6% of the population. Illiteracy is highest in the western parts of the country, where some municipalities have reported up to 19.9% of the population is illiterate.

Higher education starts with undergraduate or sequential courses, which may offer different options of specialization in academic or professional careers. Depending on the choice, students can improve their educational background with courses of post-graduate studies or international programs. To attend a higher education institution is required by law, and completing all levels of education suited to the needs of all students of teaching kindergarten, elementary and medium, provided the student does not hold any disability, whether physical, mental, visual or hearing.


Drahen has a public health system managed by the government of Drahen know as the Unified Health System (UHS) and is one of the largest in Siora. However, most middle and upper-class citizens have their own private health coverage, most of which are provided by their jobs. Construction and maintance of health centers and hospitals are financed by taxes and Drahen spends around 9% of it's GDP on healthcare. In 1575, Drahen had 2.2 doctors and 3.7 hospital beds per 1000 inhabitants.

Despite having a public healthcare system since 1512, several public health problems still remain such as high infant and maternal mortality rates, especially in the Navajae Jungle region. As the country modernized though the 1500s, deaths from noncommunicable disease, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes have increased significantly.



Drahn literature dates back to mid-1000s, to the writings of the first Mestran explorers in Drahen, such as ((blank1)), and contained descriptions of fauna, flora and commentary about the indigenous population. Drahen produced significant works during the industrial period with novelists like ((blank2)) and ((blank3)) writing novels about love and sacrifice. ((blank3)) during his long career, also treated indigenous people as heroes in several novels, a first for the period. ((blank2)) wrote in several genres and continues to gain international prestige from critics even today. The modernist movement, starting in Drahen in the mid 1400s, was primarily concerned with nationalist avant-garde literature, while Post-modernism brought a whole generation of new Drahn poets and writers with universal and regional subjects.

Visual Arts




Template:Main ArticleThe most popular sport in Drahen by far is is Association Football (Soccer). The Drahen National Football Association (DNFA) estimates that there are over 8 million football players in Drahen at the youth, amature, semi-professional and professional levels. The Drahen men's national team is currently ranked 16th according to the SIFA World Rankings, placed 3rd in the 1538 SIFA World Cup and until 1574 has qualified for every World Cup since their induction in 1506. Drahen is one of the most successful football nations in Skathia, winning the COSFA Skathian Nations Cup in 1543, 1551, 1559, and 1563 and coming in 2nd place 1527, 1531, and 1555. Other popular sports include volleyball, auto racing, and martial art. .