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Arkiania is an Absolute Monarchy is a nation located in Krinis bordered by Achia and Octitania in the north. It is the second largest nation on the island of Krinis.
Like its neighbors Arkiania was unified under various duchies after fall of Arthian Imperium and land takeovers by the "Tholagorites". After the Tholagorites were expelled from the land in 972, the Grand Kingdom of Arkiania was formed in 1000.
As of 1599, The High Kingdom of Arkiania is at war with Octitania.
Arkiania is an Autocratic Absolute Monarchy, under previous administrations the High Kings followed by Erounic Law, but under the reign of Tiberius Aurelius, this was abandoned. There are no national level elections or political parties in Arkiania. Participation in politics is limited to the royal family with the Senate made up of various governors of the duchies of Arkiania, but it holds no legislative power under the current administration.
Royal Family and Monarchy
The High King serves all legislative, executive, and judicial functions and royal decrees under the currect government direct the Senate to enact laws. The High King also serves as Supreme Senator of Senate, and presides over the Ministry Council with key positions mostly reserved to the royal family. The Duchies of Arkiania are also mostly ruled by the Royal Family. The vast numbers of the royal family has allowed it to control most of the posts, but has also created rivalries and factions within the family, the most powerful of which led by the High King. Most divisions are over direction of reform. The faction led by Tiberius Aurelius typically regressed against liberal reforms, but as of 1588 the High King changed its direction, and has passed laws which are slow transition towards liberal reform.
The Ypsiló Naó
The Ypsiló Naó used to have a direct role in government, and are the highest level of Temple in Erounism. They used to hold major power in the judicial and legislative systems. Currently, they have major power and influence in the sphere of religious and social morals. The Ypsiló Naó is led by the Shaman, The Shamans are descendants of the founder of the religion, and serve the role of receiving consultation from the Tribunal of Heaven.
Legal System
The primary source of law is set by legal regulations usually enacted by Royal Decree. Judges are appointed by High King and are usually harsh in their sentencing. Forms of capital punishment include execution by firing squad, medical injections, or a religious form a punishment which involves release prisoners in remote heavily rainforested areas with predator wildlife. If Prisoners survive and make it back to public areas, their sentence is either commuted or dropped depending on the crime which they commit. This form of punishment however is rarely used.
Human rights
Various non-government organizations condemn the Arkianian justice system and its civil rights. There are little formalities and no jury trials, though a criminal code has been very robust. Its human rights record are one of the worst in the world with religious discrimination rampant(except in the case of foreign individuals) and LGBT are offenses subject to internment in conversion therapy and re-education camps. A large amount of prisoners are usually those who participate in protests and demonstrations, some protesters are often executed.
Foreign Relations
Arkiania, along with the Mestran Imperium(which Arkainia had previous been an ally of since 1578), and Drahen formed the United Allies States in 1593, a customs union and strategic alliance which spans the South Sea. Arkiania has hostile relations with its neighbor, Octitania over its occupation and annexation of Achia. Previously, Arkiania intervened in Octitanian Civil War providing support for the Royalists during which their was naval standoff with Angiris. Due to these actions, relations between Angiris and Arkiania have been cold. Arkiania has also had standoffs with Soyabar over various crisis in New Zealmark. In other policies, Arkiania is exports arms and heavy equipment to buyers.
Arkiania has a high military expenditure spending 5.6% of its GDP in its military. The Royal Armed Forces of Arkiania consists of the Arkiania Royal Army, Arkiania Royal Navy, and the Arkianian Royal Airforce with a sub-branch in the Navy, The Arkianian Royal Marines. The Royal National Guard is a branch under the Army. Its Armed Forces enlists 782,732 personnel with 371,509 in Army, 214,509 in the Air Force, 171,223 in the Navy, and 25,491 in the Marines. Most equipment in the Royal Armed Forces is indigenous designed and produced, non-indigenous equipment is mostly imported from Severyane, though since 1593, efforts have been taken to replace imported Severyan equipment with equipment from the Mestran Imperium and Imperial Republic of Drahen.
Spending on defense has increased significantly since the 1570s, and has had non-stop increases. The increases skyrocketed during the Arkianian-Achian War of 1588, and the Achian Insurgency. The Royal Armed Forces is currently active engagement with Octitania.