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Mir Corporation is a private military company founded in 1572 by former Mordvanian Republican Guard Czeslaw Stryjkowsky as MordMir, renamed as Mir Security in 1575 and now known as Mir Corporation since 1579 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors. The company received widespread notoriety, after the company assets were seized by Mordvanian courts in 1577, in a case for the violation of law enforcement in the Brigidnan country.

Mir Corporation provides security services to private companies and governments on a contractual basis. Since 1575, the group has provided services in the states of Khibland, Nabatho, Central Tambossa, Maurnnia, Wadiyah, and New Galasia. Allegedly, the group also provided services in Alstaria, Nentsia, Ashford, Singan, and Kyrzbekistan, although this information remains unconfirmed.

Mir Corporation headquarters are currently in Jumbie City, Lusby & Corwyn.

Corporate history

1572: MordMir

MordMir was formed in 1572, by Czeslaw Stryjkowsky and Radoslav Norcek, to provide training support to military and law enforcement organizations. Both Stryjkowsky and Norcek were veterans of the Mordvanian National War (1565-1566), Stryjkowsky serving in the Republican Guard while Norcek served in the Republican Army. Journalist Milena Hamsek wrote in her book "Dark Peace and Soft War" that Norcek was also working for the MERSEK -Mordvanian military intelligence agency- for a while, but this is disputed.

Stryjkowsky purchased approximately 5,000 acres in Prazno Mocvirje, a vast swamp 20 kms from the town of Paviemes, in southern Mordvania. There, he created his private training facility for MordMir. The company received its first government contract only a few months later, training volunteers for the Republican Guard in the nearby town. The training facility comprised several ranges: indoor, outdoor, urban reproductions; an artificial lake; and a driving track nearby a national wildlife refuge. Stryjkowsky said back then that it was the largest private training facility in the country. The concept was not a financial success and was kept financially solvent by sales from sister company SvetMir, which was later accussed of being involved in the Alstarian conflict.

1572-1573: Khibland

SvetMir expanded soon to other Brigidnan countries such as Oslanburg, Florinthus, Galeae, and Laurentian Kingdom, offering security services to local companies. In early 1572, SvetMir expanded to Avidna, after it was contracted by the Fürstenstadt Development Bank for its branch in Khibland, a small commercial bank originally founded in Florinthus in 1569, which focused in providing banking services to the Abdanian emigration and community.

The operations of the company in that country came to an abrupt end in early 1573, though, after Primoj Zdvoc, a Mordvanian citizen and a MordMir employee was detained by the Khibland government -then ruled by a shortlived military junta-, charged with conspiration against the state and cooperation with terrorist organization, as he was accussed of helping the terrorist cell which ended with the life of Atharik Pfeilhoch, the leader of the controversial Abdanian Guard, a pro-government paramilitary force. Zdvoc was sentenced with life imprisonment, but he was freed some months later in a general amnesty by the transitional government which was formed after the Mordvanian military intervened in Khibland.

1573-1574: Expansion

After the end of Gerdwulf Schönborn's military junta in Khibland, MordMir was one of the main security firms employed by the new Khibland authorities. It guarded government buildings, train Khibland's new police force, and provide law enforcement activities in some cases. It also provided services for many private clients in the Avidnan territory, including communications, industrial, and insurance companies. Soon the company expanded to Nabotho and Maurnnia.

In late 1574, MordMir announced that it had acquired an 60-acre facility west of Macharaviaya, Khibland, calling International Training Base. This facility has been operational until Dein 1577 and served law enforcement agencies in Khibland until that date, when it was seized anda nationalized by the Khibland government. Currently, it serves as a facility for the Khibland Unity Force, the main security force of the small Avidnan nation.

1575: Mir Security

In 1575, Radoslav Norcek left the company, citing "business differences" with Czeslaw Stryjkowsky. Only some months later, MordMir was closed down while SvetMir, MordMir's sister company, was renamed as rebranded as Mir Security, in which Stryjkowsky became the main and only shareholder.

During the new years, Mir Security expanded to many countries, very often known for its risky operations in countries suffering military conflicts, such as Nabotho, Central Tambossa, Maurnnia, Ashford, Singan, or Wadiyah. At the same time, the company ceased most of its activities, if not all, in the Republic of Mordvania. However, Mir Security allegedly operated in eastern Kaljurand during the conflict in that country, in cooperation with forces later recognized by the Mordvanian government as the legitimate government in Kaljurand. Both the Mordvanian government and Stryjkowsky himself denied such claims.

1576-1577: Legal problems

Stryjkowsky's problems with justice started in late 1576, when he was accused of extorsion by the owner of an automotive company in Mordvania. Although the charges were later dropped, Stryjkowsky left Mordvania and moved to Magentina, where he had bought a large residence months before.

In 1577, Mordvanian courts charged Mir Security with violation of law enforcement in the Republic of Mordvania, and as a consequence Bogdan Nesterovek -considered Stryjkowsky's right-hand- was sentenced to five years to prison, along other Mir Security employees, and Mir Security assets were seized by Mordvanian justice, including the company headquarters in Seznica and the Prazno Mocvirje training facility. Some months later, Mir Security training facility in Khibland, International Training Base, was as well seized by the Khibland authorities.

However, Mir Security continued with its operation abroad, and in early 1579 signed a contract with the New Galasian government, only a few weeks after the Council of National Security took power through a controversial coup d'etat.

1579: Mir Corporation

In Septem 1579, Mir Security announced that it would change its name again, to Mir Corporation, as part of a company-wide restructuring plan. Subsequently, it reorganized its business units and structure, and moved its headquarters to Lusby & Corwyn, in the Mandavines archipelago.

Czeslaw Stryjkowsky announced his resignation shortly afterwards, when it was announced that Mir Company was acquired by Novar Investment, an investment fund based in Paradesh. Stryjkowsky, however, has remained as chairman of the board but was no longer involved in day-to-day operations.

Investigative journalist Milena Hamsek has speculated that Novar Investment's CEO and only owner, Iztok Strel, could be a close associate of Rado Sytnyk, the infamous Mordvanian arm dealer, after she observed similar financial and operational movements. However, both Novar Investmest and Sytnyk's lawyers have strongly denied such claims.

In Vintyr 1581, Stryjkowsky announced that he would relinquish involvement in the company's day-to-day business, along with his remaining ownership rights.

Board of directors

Czeslaw Stryjkowsky (until 1581)

Branko Strel

Spela Strel

Primoj Zdvoc

Miroslav Zdvoc

Francesca Ferragamo

Rok Petrek

Robert Blackmount

Szymon Wasilewsky

Béla Ashbóth