National Coalition (Eskkya)

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Template:Infobox political party The National Coalition (Laurentian: Coalition Nationale) is a Bràidzhonig nationalist, protectionist and somewhat socially conservative political party in Eskkya. The party was founded in 1532 by Ailean Blar to unify several Bràidzhonig nationalist movements of the time. The undisputed leader and centre of the party for just over twenty years, Ailean Blar was replaced by Nolwenn Garandel, a more moderate member of the party, after losing the 1565 CN Leadership Election, and was subsequently expelled from the party for his frequent outbursts. Initially viewed as a far-right political organisation and rejected by mainstream Eskkyan society, today, the National Coalition is gaining ground across the country and is unrivaled as the primary force of Eskkyan nationalism.

Gaining its first 4 National Congress seats in the 1535 General Election, the CN struggled as a marginal force for most of its existence and rarely scored above its initial result. Much to the shock of the entire country, it won 17 seats in the 1550 General Election. It has since established itself as one of Eskkya's main political parties, being the third largest in the National Congress by number of seats. The CN has become particularly popular in Strathae, where it recently became the canton's official opposition party.

Whilst Blar was nicknamed the "Devil of the Republic" for his rather controversial views and regular outbursts, Garandel, who has worked tirelessly to soften the party's image, has proven to be a widely popular figure, particularly amongst the country's youngest voters. A recent survey conducted by the Rambouillet Times found that a majority of Eskkyans under the age of 30 view the CN more favourably than the mainstream parties. Upon her election as party leader, Garandel expelled Blar and other controversial figures responsible for tarnishing the party's name and image.

Its major policies include a commitment to Eskkya's armed neutrality, economic protectionism, anti-globalisation, a zero tolerance approach to law and order issues and anti-immigration. A Bràidzhonig nationalist party, the CN is an advocate of the state embracing its Bràidzhonig roots and is thus an opponent of the state's current Jacobine identity.


Here I shall post the history.


The National Coalition's platform has changed considerably since the party's formation, pursuing the principles of modernisation due to a changing political climate and a shift in public opinion regarding social matters. It is thus commonly referred to as populist. Its increasingly popular message continues to influence the mainstream parties (its popularity poses a threat to the parties of the establishment: the Socialist Party and the Democratic Alliance), though its platform and policies are widely denounced as fascist by the mainstream media. Some features that are integral to traditional fascism are absent in the party whilst others are absolutely present.

Social Matters

The National Coalition has long taken a conservative approach to social matters, though it has progressed significantly, moving closer to the centre, since the election of Nolwenn Garandel as party leader. Still, it is considerably more conservative on most social matters than the mainstream Eskkyan parties. Initially staunch opponents of abortion, today the CN supports the right of women to abort up to 12-weeks after conception. The party supports abortions at later stages of pregnancy in the cases of rape, incest and to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical health of the woman. The CN is also in favour of maintaing the current law regarding adultery and in fact supports toughening the punishment for those involved in extramarital affairs. At a party conference in 1568, Garandel reiterated the party's stance on adultery, "The act of adultery is one of this world's greatest moral crimes. The CN believes that the state should do its utmost to punish those who commit such a hideous crime whilst at the same time look out for, and provide support for, those who are falsely accused." The party's manifesto discusses altering the judicial system in order to ensure adulterers are punished harshly during divorce cases and the victim receives the fairest settlement possible. Euthanasia has long been opposed by the CN, though the party's stance has softened in recent years due to the number of pro-euthanasia candidates standing for the CN.

Although viewed as socially conservative and borderline fascist by mainstream Eskkyan society, the CN has in recent years pursued the most progressive policies of any Eskkyan political party regarding the country's LGBT community. Viewing homophobia as a disease brought to the country by conquerers and immigrants, the CN, in line with its Bràidzhonig revivalist ideology, has vowed to support the LGBT community and rid the country of the discrimination, which it argues is a product of both foreign influences and out of control immigration. Under Ailean Blar, the party was mostly silent on the matter of LGBT rights, but has become rather vocal since Nolwenn Garandel took over. When asked whether she supported same-sex marriage or not in an interview with the Eskkyan Central News, Garandel seemed open to the idea, though maintained that individual cantons should form their own positions regarding the issue. The party supports allowing same-sex couples to adopt, a policy currently endorsed by no other party except the CN. Initially opposed to anti-discrimination laws whilst Blar was leader, the party has recently voted in favour of several such laws. Last year, in 1568, the CN assisted the Socialists in the Canton of Strathae in passing an anti- hate crime law dealing with sexual orientation and gender identity, shocking the party's left-wing critics.

Once again, the party's stance on marijuana also contrasts with its otherwise conservative social agenda. It is in favour of legalising marijuana, taking the view that it is less dangerous to the health of an individual than alcohol and thus should be available. The party's pro-marijuana stance can be explained by considering the huge influence religious Breizhigists, who regularly use marijuana to enter a state of trance, have on the party. The CN also believes legalising the drug will reduce harm to users, as it would be regulated by the state, and also combat the black market production of recreational drugs. It has proposed setting up state-owned shops from where people can purchase marijuana, but it opposes allowing ordinary citizens to grow their own.

On the matter of prostitution, the CN is staunchly opposed and seeks to toughen the laws against it. In a recent interview, however, Nolwenn Garandel stated that she personally felt sympathy for some women who choose to prostitute themselves to escape poverty. The party, though, remains committed to its opposition. The CN also supports restricting pornography in the country, believing it to be responsible for much of the sexual deviance present in the country today. Some CN legislators support completely banning pornography altogether, whilst others merely wish to restrict its scope.

Economic Issues

Foreign Affairs

The National Coalition is a huge advocate of maintaining the country's current position on armed neutrality, and has even been highly critical of the incumbent government for occasionally swaying from complete adherence to what the CN calls a fundamental value of the Eskkyan state. The party, therefore, opposes Eskkya joining any military organisations and alliances with other countries. Believing intervention in the affairs of other nations contradicts the country's commitment to neutrality, the party very rarely comments on the events unfolding around Eskkya, though Nolwenn Garandel recently released a statement, attempting to explain the conflict in the Central Tambossan Republic as a matter of race, arguing that the residents of the country cause trouble "here and there". Her comment was subsequently condemned by mainstream Eskkyan politicians, who accused Garandel of racism.

The party favours forming a cultural union with the Kingdom of Strathae, due to the two countries' mutual past and values. It has long been the country's biggest advocate in Rambouillet and has fought to improve relations between the two countries.


The National Coalition's policies on immigration are commonly denounced as racist by the mainstream parties.



The National Coalition, being comprised of several political factions, is often described as a big tent. Whilst all factions remain committed to the party's fundamental beliefs, such as Braidzh nationalism and anti-immigration, they disagree considerably in other areas, particularly social and fiscal issues. The largest faction, the Liberal Nationalists -led by current CN leader Nolwenn Garandel- is viewed as one of the more moderate branches of the party.

The Liberal Nationalists, being the largest faction in the party, have been able to shape the party's manifesto, bringing many so-called "moderate" ideas, like support for gay adoption, to the party. On fiscal matters, the liberal nationalists are centrist, supporting much of the existing welfare state but keen to make the country more business-friendly. It fought, along with the religious A Breizhigist Eskkya, to push forward a pro-marijuana policy, which was opposed by the conservative faction. Generally,it is viewed as the most moderate faction when it comes to social matters. It opposes the death penalty, but has been so far unable to influence party policy.

Conservatives, led by party number 2 Loïc Leroy, are today the party's second largest faction, but were the dominant and most prominent until the election of Nolwenn Garandel as party leader. The CN's most controversial figures tend to be conservatives. More socially conservative than the liberal nationalists, conservatives tend to oppose ideas such as marijuana legalisation, abortion and euthanasia. Violette Le Penne, a conservative, was reported describing blacks Eskkyans as a "cancer".


Party List

1. Nolwenn Garandel

(Nationalist Liberal)

2. Loïc Leroy


3. Artair Catach


4. Tivona Shneider

(Nationalist Liberal)

5. Edern Bosser


6. Saraid Ghiolla 7. Lucien Plessis

(Nationalist Liberal)

8. Seoc Bòideach

(Nationalist Liberal)

9. Arnaud Rousselot

(Nationalist Liberal)

10. Valérie Dechaux


11. Nikolaz Gallou 12. Mairì Nic Chonnigh
13. Nadine Arasgain

(Nationalist Liberal)

14.Claude Praloix


15. Caomhan le Gaull

(Nationalist Liberal)

16. Violette Le Penne
