Central Tambossan Republic

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The Central Tambossan Republic (CTR; Laurentian: République tambossaine centrale) is a nation in central Skathia. The territory of the CTR has been inhabited for over a millennia, however its current borders were established by Valland when it was under Vallish colonial rule.

The central government, based in the capital city of Mikigale, is led by President Nikoyette Rumbassa, who holds absolute authority over the government and is effectively a dictator. President Rumbassa's government is supported primarily by the Tami and Gokwe tribes. The central government has been locked in low-intensity conflict against multiple resistance groups for several years, however high-intensity fighting recently began, throwing the country into civil war.

Although containing vast mineral deposits and other resources, the CTR's lack of an industrialized economy and means to take proper use of these resources, in combination with civil strife and warfare, has resulted in the country being among the poorest in the world.


Tambossa originated from the unification of the major tribes, the Batawi, Zange, Monga, Gokwe, Okli and the Tami. The main tribes were unified under the rule of King Burunzi Nabidama, who solidified the country and established it as Tambossa, the name of the principle Tami tribe that controlled the country before the Vallish colonisation. However, King Burunzi Nabidama died without an heir, and his privy council elected Nicoyette Abstin Rumbassa as the President of the Central Tambossan Republic, who attempted to continue the Nabidama influence and keep the country united and prosperous between each tribe.


Prelude to civil war

Following the rise of Rumbassa to power, several tribal organizations began guerrilla fighting and terrorist attacks against Tami and Gokwe targets. The Free People's Army (FPA) was founded by Bosco Ntaganda, an Okli leader, to fight against the Tami-controlled and Gokwe-supported government. Similar organizations were founded by the Monga, the Alliance for the Defense of the People (ADP), and the Batawi, the Batawi Liberation Front (BLF), and the Zange, the Zange People's Liberation Front (ZPLF).

In response to the emergence of these groups and their attacks on the central government and Gokwe and Tami tribal lands, Gokwe and Tami tribal leaders formed the Alliance for Popular Resistance (APR). The APR was not officially associated to the central government, however they had many connections within the Tambossan Free Republican Army, and the army generally looked the other way from APR activities.

Civil war

The Central Tambossan Republic Civil War broke out in Dein 1568 when the Free Republican Army launched a raid deep into Okli territory and captured the town of Mirani. The mayor of Mirani and several of his associates were executed and the Okli claimed that the village was pillaged and razed. This event turned previously low-intensity guerrilla fighting into open civil war with a Free People's Army counterattack against the town of Dakarma. Soon enough it turned into a relative stalemate, as each side launched successful offensives on one another, however land gained by each side was quickly lost as each side attempted to move back to reclaim lost land. The civil war took a turn when radio messages from both the Okli and the Tami regions pushed the notion "Eliminer ou mort" or "Kill or die", which essentially brought on a mentality from the population that if they do not kill, they will be killed.

In a few days of the radio broadcasts, what began as an TFRA and a FPA movement to kill each-others population, quickly turned into a nation-wide practice, as militias such as the Alliance for Popular Resistence formed for the specific purpose of eradicating the rival populations. The Tambossan Genocide as it came to be known, quickly spread like wild-fire throughout the country, killing roughly 200,000 in a single month. Yet to this day, the number still grows. Tired of all of the killing, the international community began to act, with Nyland taking the lead and sending peacekeepers into Tambossa in order to stop the killings. The Tambossan government was originally in favour of a Nylander intervention in the conflict, but following the death of President Nikoyette Rumbassa in a helicopter crash, the policy changed. Colonel Théoneste Bagosora took control of the government as the interim leader, and promised to the largely anti-Nyland Tami population that no intervention would take place.