History of East Brigidna

Yup. Please leave notes about any changes up here. Note that the "Near East" refers to at least the southern part of the valley between Angiris and Mestra. The Sentrite Empire would be the predecessor to the Holy Lanlanian Empire. ~~~~ places this sig: Ayzek (talk) 23:26, 26 January 2015 (CST)

Added stuff re: Cynthians and Assar to set the stage for the Mahkal Empire. Also added the Tyrosian civilization, to maybe serve as a precursor to the Galasians, ala Phoenicians to west Mediterranean civilizations. Either that or pretty fluff. Here's a map c. 950 BCE, showing what may have been the situation re: largest/already-defined powers in the region: http://i.imgur.com/wrckraa.png Ayzek (talk) 08:28, 17 July 2015 (CDT)

Antiquity Age (Pre 1000 BCE)

  • 1050-1008 BCE: Cynthian people united under Assar king Nebaskar I in the short-lived Assar Empire. It would collapse with his death in 1008 BCE, leaving behind a reduced kingdom, which would become the Kingdom of Assaria.

Classical Age (1000–1 BCE)

  • 950 BCE: The Asharite Empire reaches its height, ruling over nearly half of the Nuumid River area to the north and most of modern-day Gallia to the south.
  • 823 BCE: Jorchek is born in Ashkabad to Kyrzbek parents. He would be killed in Ashar in 769 BCE. His body would be desecrated and thrown from the city walls into the river. His life and teachings would be the foundation of Akhadism, which would come to dominate the eastern Near East by the end of the millennium.
  • 787 BCE: Jorchek is said to receive visions from Akhad and begins preaching in the name of this new god.
  • 784 BCE: Ashkabad is saved from defeat by an unknown enemy by Jorchek's tactical genius. Jorchek is hailed a hero and much of the populace convert to Akhadism.
  • 783 BCE: The ruler of Ashkabad attempts to assassinate Jorchek out of fear of his growing influence. A popular revolt in response leads to the overthrow of the ruler of Ashkabad. Jorchek would lead the Akhadic faithful on campaigns throughout the southeastern Near East, conquering much of modern-day Zargistan and Gallia.
  • 775 BCE: Jorchek is said to have received a vision from Akhad, leading him to abdicate political power. He goes on great journeys, travelling and preaching across the Near East. His trusted adviser Umir takes his place as the political leader of the Akhadic faith, beginning what historians would call the Umirid Empire.
  • 769 BCE: Jorchek arrives in Ashar. He is arrested by the Asharite authorities and given to a frenzied crowd of Raastican zealots, who beat him to death, desecrate his body, and throw his corpse from the city walls into the river.
  • 767 BCE: Ashar is invaded and massacred by the Umirid Empire. Its surviving populace is forcibly converted to Akhadism and many Akhadists resettle there. The Kutsal Peyabes is built in Jorchek's memory.
  • 726 BCE: A nomadic tribe of peoples called the Gala descend into the lands of what is today Galasia. The Gala would interbreed with the Tyrosians already inhabiting the area.
  • 630 BCE: Assaria reduces many of the western Tyrosian city-states to to tributary states, following its conquest of the city of Tyros in the Second Assarian-Tyrosian War.
  • 400 BCE: The Umirid Empire reaches its greatest territorial extent, ruling over much of the southern Near East.
  • 363 BCE: Athelonians settle city of Athelon east of Halian Peninsula closer to Arreatian Mountains.
  • 355 BCE: Aiurian tribes settle city of Aiur west of the Halian Peninsula.
  • 321 BCE: The Galasians conquer the Angirisian cities and devastate the Citadel at Aiur, nearly wiping out Praetoss history.
  • 314 BCE: The Kingdom of Galasia reorganizes itself into an empire after King Brasc claims himself emperor of the vast nation.
  • 290 BCE: The Galasian Empire invades the Umirid Empire, pushing the Umirids' western frontier back to their heartland in Zargistan.
  • 142 BCE: Lanlanian monarch named Emperor of all Messanites following the conversation of Geinland, forming the Messanic Empire. This marks the schism of the Messanic Faith, as many Messanites in the east — especially those under the Galasian Empire — refuse to recognize it. The main branch of the Faith evolves into the Sentric Church under the Aldes, while the easterners formed the Ostrid Church. The Messanic Empire would be posthumously recognized as the Sentric Empire.
  • 98 BCE: Galasian Empire and Sentrite Empire invade the Mahkal Empire, partitioning its southern territories between one another. The Galasian Empire would gain much of what would later become western Angiris while the Sentrites would gain nearly all territory east and south of Azreae west of Arreatian Mountains, including much of modern-day Pythos.
  • 46 BCE: The death of Imperator Galivas IV of the Galasian Empire leads to a civil war between his three sons; Arnus Valarian, Kolin Marius, and Breton Thoros.
  • 43 BCE: The Mahkal Empire regains lost territory in Pythos from the Galasians amidst their civil war.

Early Middle Age (1–500)

  • 12: The Galasian Empire collapses following half a century of civil war and rebellion. The Kingdoms of I'valis and Corali are formed from the remains of the Galasian southern provinces and adopt the imperial government format while retaining the Galasian culture. Valadria and Anderis reclaim their original cultures from before the Galasians arrived centuries earlier.
  • 76: Angleterrans settle city of Cathedrium on the southern end of Halian Peninsula; earliest known period of Cathedrian society.
  • 78: The Mahkal Empire invades the Sentrite Empire amidst rebellions in Geinland, forcing the Sentrites to divert their resources between both fronts and consequently receive losses in each. Thanks to the Mahkal's invasion, the Lanlanians were weakened in Geinland and consequently lost territory after territory to rebellions. The Mahkal recovered many of the old territories stolen by the Lanlanians, except Azreae.
  • 96: Rödinger the Wise of the Geinish High Kingdom crowned Emperor of the Sentrites. Though he also attempted to claim the High Kingdom of Lanlania, he was rejected by the Lanlanian Jarls. This clarified the two thrones were not one in the same, and weaken the emperor's authority. Much of Canaan remained with the Lanlanian, while Azreae became defacto independent under the Aldes.
  • 163: Cathedrium begins takeover of surrounding lands.
  • 224: Sacking of the city of Lut Gholein, Aranoch begins Zanarite exodus to northeastern territories.
  • 230: The Sentric Empire and the Angirisan League invade the Mahkal, the previous recovering territories in the south and the latter gaining a foothold across the Arreatians.
  • 231: James Deckard elected chief executive of Angirisian League.
  • 232: Angirisian League declares war on Seven Kingdoms of Sanctuary.
  • 242: James Deckard assumes the title of Emperor, becoming the first Angirisian Emperor.
  • 284: Cain dies, Cain II assumes throne after brief period of internal strife.
  • 287: The Datia Merchant Guild founds the City of Datium. The Merchant Republic of Datium is born.
  • 290: Rebellion breaks out in Khanduras and Westmarch in protest of Imperial decrees.
  • 340: Azreae invaded by the Mahkal Empire, activating a treaty between the Sentrites and the Angirisans. Angiris would again expand its territory across the Arreatians while the Sentrites would seize territories to the north. The Mahkal would consequently be too weak to effectively contest Azreae again.
  • 400: The Sentrite Empire "liberates" a few Sentric communities in western Near East, upsetting both Angiris and Mestra.
  • 401: The Kingdom of Mestra annexes the Merchant Republic of Datium. King Varius declares the formation of the Mestran Imperium.
  • 411: Border friction between the Sentrites and Angirisans — as well as the previous's intrusions into the Near East — leads to the joint Angirisian-Mestran invasion of the empire in the Galasian League-Sentric War. The Sentrites would lose territory in the Near East and Pythos. However, military support from other Sentric powers prevented Angiris and Mestra from taking Azreae and fully expelling the westerns. Angiris would reach its greatest extents in the southwest as a result of this war.

Late Middle Age (500–1000)

  • 505: Angirisian Empire reaches greatest extent of power, setting off the first Angirisian Golden Age.
  • 567: The Angirisian Empire and the Mestran Imperium form an alliance on the 16th of Septum.
  • 738: Death of Emperor Lazarus II; Angirisian Empire begins to decline due to civil strife, leading to end of First Golden Age.
  • 803: End of First Angirisian Civil War; Emperor Griswold I takes throne.
  • 804: The Age of Enlightenment spreads across the Imperium; Mestra's Golden Age begins. Mestra begins to mobilize its forces against Valadria to the north-east.
  • 814: Griswold I is assassinated, setting off a chain reaction leading to a second Angirisian Civil War.
  • 829: Cathedrium burns to the ground after explosion in the heart of the city.
  • 844: End of Second Angirisian Civil War.
  • 846: Emperor Pepin II assumes throne; Pepin II ends Angirisian control of Pythos and grants its independence.
  • 863: The 35 year campaign for Valadria is concluded with its annexation into the Imperium.
  • 898: Pepin II dies; Duriel assumes throne. Disagreements between the Pythian Clans causes several city-states to declare themselves independent from Pythos. The clans immediately begin warring with one another for influence and resources.
  • 900: The Pythian city-states are either pacified or unite, dividing the country among its four most powerful Clans. Agium, Cthonia, Itanas and Imbros.
  • 901: The First Clan War begins with the invasion of Imbros by Clan Itanas. The Itanian host defeats the Imbros defenders and burns the capital Chytri to the ground. With Itanian armies far south, Cthonian forces march into Itanas. Meanwhile, Agium armies do the same to Cthonia and captures the Cthonian coastline.
  • 902: Duriel attempts a military campaign to conquer remainder of Xiansai kingdom.
  • 910: Xiansai City falls after lengthy siege, marking end of final Angirisian expansion campaign for 600 years.
  • 988: The Mestran Imperium estabishes a trading post on the Isle of Umbarta where the city of Telos exists today. This marks the farthest colonial endeavor of the Imperium.
  • 998:The Pythian First Clan War ends, the peace is ended months later with the breakout of the Second Clan War.

Renaissance Age (1000-1300)

  • 1002: Third Angirisian Civil War begins after Imperial Guard murders Emperor Arius IV.
  • 1003: The Pythian regions of Agium and Cthonia are invaded by the sea from an unknown foe. Agium and Cthonia combine forces to repel the invaders. The Second Clan War ends with the alliance.
  • 1004: Agium, Cthonia and Itanas unite under one banner. The first triumvirate is formed with the leaders of each clan sharing power. Imbros formally allies with the United Clans, but refuses to merge.
  • 1008: The unknown invasion force is defeated and pushed out of the Pythian region.
  • 1039: Third and final Angirisian Civil War ends after rebel city of Tristram is sacked by loyalist forces.
  • 1240: Angirisian Empire officially turns 1,000 years old, setting off a brief Second Golden Age.
  • 1245: Second Golden Age ends due to continuing civil unrest.
  • 1297: The Great Tribulation strikes the Imperium. The 7 years drought causes great famine, trade and commerce are slashed by a third.

Industrial Age (1300–1450)

  • 1305: The Great Tribulation ends with the advent of industrialized machinery. The Imperial economy surges as the nations begins rapidly transitioning.
  • 1304: Emperor Joesph I takes the throne, creating the short-lived Athelonian Dynasty.
  • 1321: Joesph II becomes Emperor.
  • 1338: Joesph II dies; Tassadar takes the throne and becomes the first Aiurian to become Emperor, which also starts the Aiurian Dynasty.
  • 1349: Industrialization arrives in Angirisian Empire.

Modern Age (1450–Present Day)

  • 1470: Introduction of democracy into Angirisian Empire.
  • 1471: Aiurian Dynasty falls; Frederick II crowned Emperor.
  • 1554: Mirat Agar II of Zargistan is overthrown in the Marth Revolution, a coup by several powerful military officers and civilian officials. A short-lived Republic of Zargistan with a republican form of government was formed. General Abjul Takmir, who acted as the figurehead for the revolutionary coalition, was made interim president. Just over a month later, Takmir seized total power and reorganized the government to revolve around him. Royalist riots in Byzkhan and the tribal Jawadi Rebellion were suppressed by the newly-created Republican Guard.
  • 1562: Emperor Leoric assumes the throne of Angirisian Empire; appoints Archbishop Lazarus as first Chief Minister
  • 1567: 16th of Septum marks the one thousandth anniversary of the Angirisian-Mestran Alliance.
  • 1568: Erius Jeremius Brett is appointed to the position of Chief Minister of the Angirisian Empire upon the retirement of Archbishop Lazarus