Hylian Federation

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. The Hylian Federation, commonly referred to as simply Hylis, the H.F., or the Federation, is a sovereign state in northeastern Kvaenna. It is a federal presidential constitutional democracy based on the principles of National-Communism. Interestingly, the Federation maintains a ceremonial monarchy, currently held by Arch-Queen Kayley I.

Hylis is considered a developed country. It has a large reserve of natural resources, in no small part due to its large size. However, over half the country is located within the arctic circle. The majority of its population is situated in the south, though small settlements exist along the coastline of the north.


The Hylian Federation practices the Carpathian National-Communism branch of Communism, though to a more limited extent than the Allied States. The ideology has, of course, been modified to better fit Hylian culture and tradition.


The Hylian constitution establishes the country as a federation and presidential republic. It is fundamentally a multi-party representative democracy, though with strong elements of direct democracy. The government is composed of four branches:

  • Legislative: The 300-member National Assembly, which serves as the primary legislative authority of the Hylian Federation. It adopts laws, declares war, approves treaties, sets the national budget, and has the power to impeach the President and other select high-profile officials.
  • Executive: The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, can veto legislative bills before they become law, and appoints the Government of Hylis and other officers.
  • Judiciary: The Supreme Court of Hylis interprets laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional. It is composed of the Monarch of the Hylian Federation and ten other judges, who are appointed by the legislature at the President's recommendation.
  • Citizenry: Interestingly, the citizens of Hylis are recognized as a branch of its government, due to their strong ability to influence politics. Their approval is required for declarations of wars and the impeachment of the President. They can also issue directives, called People's Edicts, which the government is legally required to comply with.

The head of state is nominally the Monarch, whose role is limited to judicial affairs, with most power residing in the hands of the President as head of government.


The 300 members of the National Assembly, generally called member of the National Assembly or MNA, are elected by the Hylian people in cycles, each serving a term of six years. Elections are for the individual, who is chosen to represent a particular electoral district.


Most power resides in the hands of the President, who is elected by the Citizenry from candidates proposed by a National Assembly commission. The constitution dictates a candidate may not have previous affiliations with any party, nor may he be an immediate relative of his predecessor.

Judiciary and the Monarchy

The Monarchy of the Hylian Federation is not considered its own branch of government, nor is it considered the source of the government's power, as in some constitutional monarchies. The Hylian monarch has instead been steadily losing power since the democratization of the Hylian state, following the short-lived Huffington Republic. Nowadays, the monarchy is maintained mainly out of tradition. Its powers have largely been limited to the judiciary since the days of the Archkingdom of Hylis, which continues to this day.

Hylians consider the monarch an impartial voice in Hylian politics, outside party affiliations.


Citizens of Hylians have the right to pass People's Edicts, which are generally short directives which force the government to take a certain course of action. A supermajority is required for a proposal to become a people's Edict, though only 10% of Hylians are required to support a proposal for it to come to a referendum. Hylian citizens also play a large role in the impeachment process.