Kortoan Civil War

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The Kortoan Civil War took place from 1520 to 1525 between the Centre-left leaning, democratic Republicans, and the dynastic, Autocratic, far right-leaning militarist group led by Tam Do-Yun. It began after King Moon VII abdicated to the Republican faction within the Kortoan Government and the nationalists, largely supported by the military, march on the capital of Hyeyong.

The conflict began after Republican troops fired on the marching Nationalists and fighting erupts on the streets. Because the Nationalists have the numbers advantage, the Republican forces are forced to evacuate the city and the Republican government evacuates to Seobaek. Over the course of 2 years, the Republicans are in retreat and are surrounded at their capital, Seobaek. Over revelations of the Nationalists committing genocide on ethnic Oslanburgans, Oslanburg intervenes and sends 250,000 men to Republican lines. Shortly after the Oslanburg intervention, Svarnan troops cross the Kortoan border to strengthen the Nationalists. In 6 months, Nationalist lines break and the Republicans advance to recapture most of modern East Kortoa over the course of 2 years, before slowing down. After a year of stalement both sides agree to a cease-fire agreement that divides Kortoa east and west and creates a Demilitarized Zone along the East and West Kortoan border.


Period of Colonization

The Kingdom of Kortoa was invaded by Oslanburg in 1185 CE to secure an important strategic trade position in the region. While resistence was high to the invasion, the Kortoans were less technologically advanced than their invaders, which inevitably led to Oslanburg taking control of the country and making it a colony.


In 1515 CE, Mass Demonstrations caused the colonial government of Kortoa to petition Oslanburg independence. It is granted however, Oslanburg re-installs the Royal Family to power. King Moon VII was installed as king. The rule of King Moon VII was distraught with corruption and internal strife.

Course of the War


On the 20th of Zechyr, King Moon VII abdicates and gives Republicans control of the government. Hours later, Nationalist leaders begin planning a military takeover of the Republican-controlled government. Military airfields and bases in the Northern region of the country are seized, giving the nationalists control over the majority of the nations military and airforce. Realizing the threat of civil war, the Republicans invite the Nationalist leaders to talks.

On the 30th of Zechyr, the negotiations break down and the Republicans begin reinforcing Shoko-ri expecting a Nationalist attack.

At dawn on 4th of Septem, Nationalist forces advance on Shoko-ri behind artillery fire and air support. Simultaneously, Nationalist forces march into Yongmul-li, and Podongmal virtually unopposed. Within an hour, Nationalist planes knock out the Republican airforce and Shoko-ri International Airport is quickly occupied. To prevent it from being used by Nationalist planes, the Republican detonate explosives preventing the airfield from being used. On 6th of Septem, The Republican government evacuates from Shoko-ri to Seobaek. Shoko-ri falls the same day and Republican forces retreat to positions on the south of Shoko-ri and fortify the ancient capital of Hyeyong. They use the island to island to setup anti-air defenses and heavy artillery, supported by naval destroyers and cruisers.