Military of Severyane
The Severyanian Joint Army (Sniatyn: Военные силы Северьяна, tr. Voyennyye sily Sever'yana) are the military service of Severyane, established after the dissolution of the Union of People's Republics. On 7 Zechyr 1526, interim leader Rurik Romanov signed a presidential decree establishing the Severyanian Ministry of Defence and placing all Union Armed Forces troops on the territory of the Severyanian SPR under Severyanian control. Although the Severyanian armed forces were formed in 1526, the Severyanian military traces its roots back to the founding of the first Severyanian Tsardom.
The Severyanian Joint Military (SJM, or VSS) is divided into four service branches; the Army, the Marines, the Air Force, and the Navy, and there are currently three sub-services: The Severyanian Office of Federal Investigation (SUFR) which is the government's criminal investigative unit, and the Space Observation Corps (KKN) which is a subunit of the Air Force. It is mandatory for males aged 18 to participate in three years military service, and sign a draft card so that they may be called upon to serve when necessary, regardless of whether or not it is a military conflict.
As of 1 Fein, 1584 the fourth independent arm of service, the Peoples Committee for Internal Affairs (NKVD), was disbanded and its members merged into the Army as SPETSNAZ or Special Forces Operators.
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The Union of People's Republics officially dissolved in 1525, leaving what was left of the military in a worrying state of limbo. Several of the remaining divisions were made up of non-Severyanian Vostics, whose mother nations had become independent following the conclusion of the Winter War. Most of these units stationed swore loyalty to their new national governments, while the ethnic Severyan Vostic and some of the non-Severyanian Vostic divisions remained loyal to Severyane.
Apart from assuming control of the bulk of the former Union Internal Troops and the Border Troops, seemingly the only independent defense move the new Severyanian government made initially involved announcing the establishment of a National Guard. Until 1526, it was planned to form at least 11 brigades numbering 3,000 to 5,000 each, a total of no more than 100,000. National Guard military units were to be deployed in 10 regions, including in Zylnka, Nikopol, and a number of other important cities and regions. By the end of September 1525 in Zylnka, the National Guard was about 15,000 strong, mostly consisting of former Union Armed Forces servicemen. In the end, Dictator Gregor Perov tabled a decree "On the temporary position of the Severyanian Guard", but it was not put into practice.
In early 1526 the newly appointed Military High Command cooperated with the Severyanian legislature in performing a Coup d'état against Perov and his Personal Guard. Following this, the military was all but disbanded so it could undergo restructuring.
The Severyanian Department of Defense serves as the administrative body of the Armed Forces with the Konsul of Severyane as its overseer and the Secretary of Defense at the head of the council. Since Union times, the General Staff has acted as the main commanding and supervising body of the Severyanian armed forces. The Secretary of Defense is currently General Josef Pyushkin.
Military Districts
The Ground Forces, as well as the Air Forces and Navy, are distributed among four military districts: North-Western Military District, Southern Military District, Central Military District, and the Eastern Military District which also constitute four Joint Strategic Commands — North-West, South, Central, and East.
Severyanian military command posts include Chekhov/Sharapovo about 45 kilometres east of Severograd, for the General Staff and Premier, Chaadayevka near Penza, Voronovo in Severograd, and a facility at Lipetsk all for the national leadership, Yamantau in the Zavovod Mountain Range, and command posts for the Space Observation Corp at Kuntsevo in Severograd (primary) and Kosvinsky Mountain in the Zavovod Mountain Range (alternate). It is speculated that many of the Severograd bunkers are linked by the special underground Severograd Metro 2 line.
Currently, the only Severyanian security body not under the control of the Defence Council is the People's Bureau of Investigative Services, which serves as the criminal investigative unit for the government.
Between 1525 and 1527 newly independent Severyane's defense spending fell by a factor of eight in real prices. In 1527 when Severyane experienced a severe financial crisis, its military expenditure in real terms reached its lowest point— barely one-quarter of the USR's in 1519, and two-fifths of the level of 1523.
Defense spending has stagnated consistently staying nearly the same over the past six years, and according to Finance Minister Nikolai Tyupin, this rate will be sustained through 1580. Official government military spending for 1573 was $79.7 billion. By some estimates, overall Severyanian defense expenditure is now at the second highest in the world after Lanlania.
The Severyanian government's published 1574 military budget is about $161 Billion, the second largest in the world. As of 1573, Severyane's military budget is higher than any other Marzannan nation. In 1574 Severyane was the world's second biggest exporter of major weapons for the period of 1570-73, increasing exports by 41 per cent.
Severyane's arms industry is headed by the arms conglomerate Kamkinkov Armaments Group and its newly formed subsidiaries. This conglomerate provides for the bulk of Severyanian military R&D as well as military manufacturing.

Conscription is still used in Severyane; the term of service being 36 months and the eligible age is between 18 and 30 years old. Deferments are provided to undergraduate and graduate students, men solely supporting disabled relatives, parents of at least two children and — upon Premiere proclamation — to some employees of military-oriented enterprises. Men holding Ph.D. as well as sons and brothers of servicemen killed or disabled during their military service are released of conscription.
The ranks of the Severyanian military are also open to non-Severyanian citizens of ex-Union States. The People's Council had approved a law in principle to permit the Armed Forces to employ foreign nationals on contract by offering them Severyanian citizenship after several years service. Yet up to 1573, foreigners could only serve in Severyane's armed forces after getting a Severyanian passport. Under a 1574 Defence Council plan, foreigners without dual citizenship would be able to sign up for five-year contracts and will be eligible for Severyanian citizenship after serving three years. Each soldier in duty receives Identity Card of the Severyanian Armed Forces.
In 1574, Defence Councillor Bezrukov promised that all army quarters would have showers by the end of the year. The Councillor also said that the shower plans were the latest in a series of creature-comfort improvements the Defense Council had recently announced. In mid-Treizen, Bezrukov said he would rid the army of its antiquated "footwraps," or portyanki, and a few days later the designer of Severyane's new army uniform said that the ear-flap hats traditionally worn in winter would be replaced with more modern headgear.