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The Imperial Republic of So'Karsa is located on the Eastern coastline of Ostara. The nation has the Kazemura Sea to the East, Akrasad to the north, and the Sozean Desert to the west where the nation of Ahara rests, a large chunk of the Sozean desert sits within So'Karsan borders. The nation is very hot and fertile along the rivers, a hot and humid coastline, with several active volcanoes in its coastal mountain region. The Coastline has a maritime climate, while inland it can become exceedingly hot in the deserts year round. The So'Karsan coastline gets warm water currents and the air above most of it blows towards the coast, keeping the region clear of most major storms. The state of So'Karsa was founded by the Kawaguchi clan, of Akitsu, as a Clan holding in 1087, they were subsequently conquered by Kazemura and became a colony of Kazemura until 1275. The Kazemura created the current borders of So'Karsa through conquest of various local city-states and tribes.

So'Karsa has a long history of Militarism, and the rule of the nobility. This is derived from three distinct sources, the native Shaiksa peoples who long served sultans and chieftains throughout the region, the Akitsu Kawaguchi (川口) Clan and their service to Daimyo, and the Samurai, finally the Kazemura and their own dedication to their Emperor. These three cultures were forced to blend and forged the modern nation of So'Karsa. The Imperial Republic is a Constitutional Monarchy with the official head of state being the Emperor who oversees foreign policies and affairs, along the with the Emperor sits the Shogun who is in commands of various Daimyo and the So'Karsan Military as a whole, finally is the Prime Minister, the elected leader of the people and overseer of domestic governance.

The major rivers of So'Karsa have long been the focal point of the civilizations of the area. When the Kawaguchi clan moved into the region this continued. The Kazemuran conquerors attempted to create more traditional cities only to find the region not quite capable of doing so, as such most buildings are made from various types of stone and stone mixes. Ceramic tiles and slanted roofs are used, a continuation of Akitsu styles of architecture.

The greatest export of So'Karsa is oil, natural gas, and many industrial metals. It's largest imports are wood, and foodstuffs. It has a large and prosperous economy thanks to the vast discovery of oil fields within the Sozea desert of So'Karsa along with the very profitable mines near the coastline. It was these same mines that had given the So'Karsan military their vast strength in their early development.


Early History

For thousands of years people have lived within the borders of the So'Karsan nation prior to its actual fouynding. Most of these people were nomadic, and warlike with very few unifying cultural aspects. Each tribe was a nation unto itself for much of So'Karsa's early history. Many of these tribes were Shaikan in origin living all across the vast desert lands.

City-States of Sozea

Many of the ancient City-States of So'Karsa had to deal with the constnt threat of Shaikan attacks to their caravans, and raids on the small villages that surrounded the City-States.

The Kawaguchi Colonization

Nearing the end of the Eisen period in Akitsu the Kawaguchi Clan began to lose power, and it looked like they would soon be defeated in their bid to unify Akitsu under their rule. At the beginning of the Eisen period they had a vast array of power and wealth, but as the battles continued they saw it slowly dwindle. By the year 896 CE they had prepared for a solution they never thought they'd need, the abandonment of Akitsu. With what resources they had they sailed in a vast fleet of ships, in what was the largest fleet in Akitsu history at the time, heading towards the unknown. Many of their people died, or were lost on the journey, and eventually the fleet was divided into three smaller ones. Each of the fleets was headed by members of one of the three major Kawaguchi families.

The first fleet landed in 897, the fleet was headed by the Reiken (霊験) Family which founded the city of Maizuru on the southern coastline, the second fleet landed a month later and was headed by the Umiken (海剣) Family was Kitsuko just north of Maizuru, and the final fleet landed and was headed by the Kaiken (懐剣) Family which founded Katine, which was along the Okanekawa (御金川). The three Cities quickly began trading with each other and the Kawaguchi clan formed the Karusa (軽砂) Empire. The First Emperor ascended the throne in the year 904 CE and was known as Emperor Reiken Dairu, he was the first and last Emperor of the Karusa Empire. During his reign he instituted a law forcing all married peoples to have five children, and all unmarried people to be wed before the age of twenty-five. The goal of this law was the rapid expansion of the population of the Kawaguchi Clan, and the new Empire.

Emperor Reiken Dairu was the son of the head of the Kawaguchi Clan back in Akitsu, and had led it to several major victories prior to their forced abandonment of Kazemura. When the Kawaguchi Clan arrived in the new land the three major families became three new clans, the Reiken family became the The Ryuo (竜) Clan, the Umiken Family became the Kamakiri (窯霧) Clan, and the Kaiken (懐剣) Family became the The Kumo (蜘蛛) Clan. The Ryuo Clan would act as the spiritual and political leaders of the Empire, the Kamakiri Clan as the coastal defenders, and the Kumo as the Conquerors.

The small Empire had the City-State of Ki'Tal within its claimed borders, and the City-State was fairly hostile to the foreigners that now claimed its lands. Skirmishes were quite common within the disputed lands, but Emperor Dairu knew that the only way to solidify the region he ruled was through conquest, even with his weakened forces. He proceeded to wage war against the Sultan of Ki'Tal by allying with several desert tribes, offering them land by the coastline, and membership in the Kumo Clan, these tribesmen became the Sabaku Family (沙漠) the second family of the Kumo Clan. These alliances led to the first true 'outsiders' being merged into the Karusai Empire. In the year 915 CE Ki'Tal fell to the Kurasai forces, and the palace of the Sultan was burnt to the ground, atop it they began the construction of the Imperial Palace. Emperor Dairu would never set foot in the palace as the Emperor of Karusai, as in the year 917 CE the Empire was invaded by the Kazemuran Empire.

Colony of Kazemura

In the year 917 CE the Kazemuran Empire invaded the small Karusai Empire, quickly defeating its armies, leading to Emperor Reiken Dairu to surrender unconditionally in the year 919 CE. Kazemura removed Dairu from the position of Emperor, but allowed his family to remain the local lords of Maizuru. Under the control of Kazemura the infrastructure of the region was greatly enhanced, and the Imperial Palace, then called Kyuden Karusai, was completed. The complex became the capital of the Kazemuran Colonies, making Ki'Tal City the defacto capital. Great numbers of Kazemurans immigrated to the colonies, but there was little intermingling with the Akitsu or Sozea'ris people. The Kazemuran Empire knew that this small colony would not suffice their wants within the mainland, but was a stepping stone for dominance.

Daimyo Kitsuki Beiko arrived from Kazemura in the year 935 CE and was placed in charge of the colonial forces, a large portion now consisted of second generation Akitsu, and Sozea'ris Samurai that swore fealty to the Emperor of Kazemura. The Daimyo looked down on the 'lesser' Samurai and had several legions brought in from Kazemura to lead the conquest, originally seeking to not use the local Samurai at all. The campaign began with the invasion of the City-State Kai'Hina. The Samurai from Kazemura had a hard time adapting to the heat of the desert, and the initial invasion saw large numbers of Kazemuran Samurai die in the battle, many from dehydration. The local Samurai though had trained in the heat, and their armor was better designed for it, being a mixture of Akitsu and Sozea'ris styles. Daimyo Beiko saw the ability of the local samurai at that point, and sent them to conquer Kai'Hina with only supply support. Kai'Hina fell in two short weeks, being unprepared for the hybrid warfare that the local samurai utilized. While in the mainland the fighting styles of the locals would be seen as barabaric, in the colonies it was a necessity.

The Daimyo formed a training camp for the Colonial Legion in Kai'Hina, as its location was both remote and hot, the Samurai who were trained here were provided with new armor more fitting for the region and with hybridized training to overcome the tribesmen and the City-States. Meanwhile the Emperor of Kazemura had assigned on his sons to oversee the colony as a whole, bringing in many more civilians, and elite samurai bodyguards. The Prince moved into Kyuden Karusai and began to create a local version of the Imperial Bureaucracy, taking into account the local peoples and integrating them into it. The son of Emperor Reiken Dairu, Reiken Honjo, was made the prefect of the colony. Many of the Akitsu people had continued to give their loyalty to the Reiken family, and with them now more integrated into the Kazemuran government their loyalty was secured.

Prefect Honjo continued to support his fathers laws of marriage and childbearing, expanding it to all subjects, their were also exceptions made for religious and governmental reasons. This continued to increase the population of the colony. Honjo also began to work very closely with both the Prince, and the Daimyo who had made Kai'Hina into the military capital of the colony. In the year 945 CE Daimyo Beiko began his campaign against Ko'Suiki, and the tribes it had allied with. The battle for the City-State was brutal with thousands of deaths on both sides, and seemingly a stale mate. The stale mate was broken when one of the Chiefs that supported Ko'Suiki joined the Kazemuran forces, the reasons of which are unknown to this day. It was this betrayal that began the true rise of the Kazemuran colony as a true region, known now as Sokarusa, a mixture of the Sozea'ris name of the region and the name of the former Akitsu Empire of Karusai. Daimyo Beiko was made the Shogun of the colonies, with this came the responsibility to putting down the 'rebels' that lived in the colonies, failure would mean death.

In the year 956 CE Shogun Kisuki Beiko gathered together the best Samurai of the colonies, no matter their ancestry, and offered them titles, lands, honor, and authority in the lands they were going to conquer. Many thousands of Samurai joined the Shoguns campaign, quite a few from the Empire proper upon hearing the proclamation. The war started on two fronts, the invasion of Jaiy'Ru from the land, and the invasion of Ur'Nerix from the sea. The City-States put up a valiant effort, but their disunity was their defeat. The City-States sought help from their fellows, but the call was not answered. In a short few months the two City-States fell, and Moshi Kyan, a female Akitsu Samurai, became the leader Daimyo over Jaiy'ru; and Umiken Akira, a female samurai from Kazemura, became the Daimyo of Ur'Nerix. The two new Daimyo installed martial law within their regions, and quickly began to bring in cultural experts to educate the youth, and assimilate them into the Empire. During this period riots often occurred, and large numbers of the naive Sozea'ris died, quite a few joined the Empire, realizing that it was the only way to survive. It is written the Moshi Kyan was able to take care of most Sozea'ris protests with minimal violence, something she is well remembered for.

In the year 968 CE Shogun Kitsuki Beiko passed away, and a new Shogun was named, Reiken Hikari, the grand son of Emperor Reiken Dairu. Under Hikari's leadership the remaining City-States fell in line by the year 987 CE, and a vaste percentage of the rebelling Sozea'ris population was eradicated. Those who survived were those who'd sworn allegiance to the Emperor of Kazemura. Resource development began to grow during this time period, mostly in the way of metals from the volcanically active mountains, and trade from across the desert. The colonies brought vast amounts of wealth to the Empire, and the Empire in turn developed and strengthened the colonies. Shogun Hikari worked diligently to ensure the safety of the colonies, and worked closely with Princess Sekai Atsuko, who was the Imperial representative to the colonies. Princess Atsuko eventually married Shogun Hikari, unifying the position of Shogun and Imperial on the colonies for a period of time.

Under the reign of Hikari the colony was divided among Nine Clans; The Kamakiri (窯霧) Clan, The Ryu (竜) Clan, The Kumo (蜘蛛) Clan, The Kirin (麒麟) Clan, The Komainu (狛犬) Clan, The Fushicho (父子著) Clan, The Tsuru (鶴) Clan, The Sasori (蠍) Clan, and the Kani (蟹) Clan. Each Clan would rule over three provinces, and would have three families that served them. In the case of the Kumo, Kamakiri, and Ryu Clans it meant the creation of several new families each.

The Abandonment of the Colony and Independence

In the year 1275 Emperor (name) declared the Colonies as impure, and those Samurai that lived there tainted as they were no longer pure of blood. With these remarks he called for abandonment of the Colonies, and that any Pure Blooded Kazemuran to return to the homeland. A large number of Imperial Officials, and thousands of lords departed the colonies leaving them abandoned. Shogun Reiken Komoko, the first female Shogun, declared herself Empress of So'Karsa. This was met with other Lords declaring themselves Emperors and Empresses of their own regions, shortly leaving So'Karsa consisting of the Ryu Clan provinces and the Kumo Clan provinces. Empress Komoko attempted to unify the various lords into the Empire while slowly consolidating her own power base. There was some success when a council of Lords was held in Ki'Tal City with a representative from each of the Nine Clans present. The Council of Lords ruled over the land for nearly five years before war broke out between Komainu Clan and the Kirin Clan over territory. The Council collapsed shorlty after, with only the Kamakiri clan, Ryu Clan, and Kuma clan maintaining Membership.

The council of three became the foundation for the Imperial Government, a Shogun was appointed and Empress Komoko retook her position as the head of government. A council was setup with three representatives from each clan that swore fealty to Empress Komoko, which would oversee all domestic laws, the Shogun thus oversaw the military, and the Empress was in charge of foreign relations. With So'Karsa disunited Empress Komoko sought to make war to unify it under her rule.

The Warring States

In the year 1280 the various Clans of So'Karsa had entered open warfare with one another. Ryudo, a faith that once united most of So'Karsa under Reiken influence was suddenly in a state of chaos as several Daimyo began to proclaim themselves Ryu'Yogensha of various Ten'Ryu, or speakers of the Divine Dragons. Many followers and priests didn't have many options but to now serve the various new Ryu'Yogensha both civily and religiously. During the early days a new set of virtues other than Bushido 武士道 were created by the Sasori Clan Daimyo Inoue Oda, Ken'ido 権威道, or the way of power. Battles occured on a daily basis between many of the fledgling 'Emperors' and 'Empresses'. The Ashigaru that servedthe Great Clans saw the greatest number of deaths, but death in the edn hit every level of society.

In the year 1305 Three 'Nations' were formed. The Empire of So'Karsa had changed little during the last 25 years, maintaining its territory and fousing on holding the enemy at bay, it consisted of the Kamakiri, Ryu, and Kuma clans. The Empire of Kunizakai was forged in blood by the Sasori, Kani, and Tsuru Clans. The Aishou Empire was forged through peace deals and alliances by the Kirin, Komainu, and Fushicho Clans. These three Empires split the region, with the war having no end in sight.

In the year 1313 The Aishou and So'Karsan Empires formed an alliance against the growing Kunizakai Empire, having already conquered nearly half of the Aishou Empire territory. The alliance dedimated the Kunizakai Empire, but also saw a surprise attack on the Aishou capital by So'Karsan forces. This double sided strike saw the fall of the Aishou Empire, and its citizens and soldiers added to the So'Karsan forces. With the end now clearly in site the Kunizakai decided to broker for peace. These meeting was meant to be a trap for Empress Reiken Komoko who was now the only original ruler of the nine clans. The Emperor of the Kunizakai Clan stood awaiting his 'equal' only to find his own men turn their swords against him. His soldiers knew of the Emperors plans, and saw it as a chance to try and gain greater power within the So'Karsan Empire.

United at Last

The Ki'Tal Revolution

Imperial Reforms

Modern So'Karsa

Geography, Flora, and Fauna





The Capital of So'Karsa is the coastal city of Ki'Tal. The city was once an idependent city-state that was conquered by the fledgling Karusa Empire in the year 915. The city acted as the capital for the next four years, until Karusa was conquered by Kazemura. Kazemura also utilized Ki'Tal as their capital, and it has been the capital of the realm ever since. The city is designed to support each of the Nine Clans with their own 'palaces', as well as the Emperor/Empress with the Imperial Palace. The City also hosts the Imperial Senate, and the headquarters for the Shogun of So'Karsa.

The Imperial Republic of So'Karsa is divided into 27 Provinces each of which is overseen by a Taisho (大将), each Taisho is served by a retinue to Samurai (武士). Each Taisho in turn serves a specific Daimyo (大名) who oversees the three provinces of his or her Clan. Each Daimyo in turn serves the Shogun of the Imperial Republic, who serves the Emperor or Empress of So'Karsa. This is the foundation of the rulership of the Imperial Republic, and additional positions have been created to serve the civil population.

Each city has a popularly elected Mayor, and City Council, these cities are also assigned a Samurai to oversee the local police force. Each Province has an elected council that passes legislation to the local Taisho to either sign into law or veto, a veto can be overturned with a 2/3rds vote in the Provincial Council. The Clan region has a council of nine that assists the Daimyo in ruling the Clan, two representatives from each of the three Clan Families, and three elected officials make up this council. Nationally there is an Imperial Senate with three Elected Representatives from each Province, and three appointed representatives from each clan. The Imperial Senate passes legislation to the Emperor/Empress, who may sign it into law or veto it, veto's can be overturned with a 7/8ths vote in the Imperial Senate. The Imperial Senate also votes for a member from within their ranks to be the Prime Minister every four years. The Prime Minister appoints the cabinet that is in charge of ensuring the various laws are carried out and performed by the Imperial Bureaucracy.

The Emperor/Empress

The Emperor/Empress of So'Karsa is always from the Reiken family, and is often the first born child of the previous Emperor or Empress. The position is one of both ceremonial, spiritual, and political power. Much of the power of the throne has been granted to the Civil Government after the Ki'Tal Revolution, but quite a bit was returned to the throne during the Imperial Reforms.

Historically the position of Emperor/Empress has been one of quiet meditation, and spiritual guidance. The Emperor/Empress is to be seen as a near divine being, and the only person who can truly understand the will of the Ten'Ryu, and thus in the Ryudo faith they fill the role of Ryu'Yogensha, or speaker of Dragons. The Emperor/Empress is thus expected to follow the will if the Ten'Ryu in their direction of the Imperial Republic. In ancient times this was enough to maintain control of the nation, but as the world modernized the focus on spiritual pursuits saw a decline in technological development. This is turn led to the formation of the Imperial Court, the Viceroy position, and the increased power of the Clans post unification.

In modern times the Emperor/Empress is in charge of signing legislation into law or vetoing it, appointing the Shogun from among the various Samurai of So'Karsa, and acting as the head of foreign relations. As the head of foreign relations the Emperor/Empress appoints all ambassadors, diplomats, oversees the various embassies, and has the power to declare war. Prior to the Imperial Reform the Emperor/Empress did not have the power to Veto legislation, nor had the ability to declare war, or act as the head of foreign relations. The only power the Emperor/Empress had was the ability to appoint the Shogun.

The Shogun

Nearly any Samurai within So'Karsa has the ability to become the Shogun, if they can impress the Emperor/Empress with both martial, and leadership ability. The position of Shogun is both one of great honor, and great responsibility. Daimyo and Taisho cannot become the Shogun, as their duties are hereditary and should be there focus.

The Shogun is in charge of the military forces of So'Karsa, both the Samurai Clans, and the Ashigaru who serve them. Each clan fulfills a specific role within the Imperial Military, but they also have the ability to cover for the others if needed. The Shogun is also in charge of the Emerald Magistrates, and the Obsidian Magistrates. The Emerald Magistrates consists of various Samurai and Ashigaru who travel the wilds of So'Karsa taking care of would be bandits and vandals. The Obsidian Magistrates also consist of Samurai and the Ashigaru who serve in less than honorable duties for the greater good of the Empire.

The Prime Minister

The Imperial Senate


Each of the Nine Clans has a Daimyo from the head family that would oversee the Clan as a whole. The Daimyo is in command of the military forces of the clan, and oversee's the training of their own elite Samurai Guard. The Daimyo also acts as the 'Head of State' for the Clan and is expected to visit with the Emperor/Empress at least once a year, and stay in the capital for three months out of every year. The Daimyo is a hereditary position that is held by the first born child of the previous Daimyo, there are a few exceptions of course.


The Taisho is the head of one of the Great Families, and serves their Clan Daimyo. The Taisho acts as the 'governor' of the Province they command. The Daimyo appoints the Taisho of his/her family and doesn't hold it themselves. The Taisho oversee the security of their province, and their people.


The Nine Clans

The Kamakiri Clan

The Kamakiri (窯霧) Clan rules over the Gotai, Hinome, and Chuuhan Provinces from the city of Kitsuko. The Kamakiri Clan cosists of the Umiken, Iwayumi , and Iruka families. The Umiken Family rules over the Gotai Province where Kitsuko is located, and is the head family of the Kamakiri Clan.

  • The Umiken Family
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The Daimyo of the Kamakiri Clan during the Warring States Era, known for his stealth and tactical ability.

The Umiken Family was one of the three founding families of So'Karsa. In Akitsu they had a long history of being sailors and pirates, this tradition continued when they arrived in So'Karsa. They were assigned the defense of the coasts, as well as as the Merchants of the Empire since ancient times. It is even said that it was thanks to the Umiken Family and the Kamakiri clan that So'Karsa received muskets, and why they were adopted to quickly thanks to the power of them.

  • The Iwayumi Family

The Iwayumi family was well known for their archery skill, even from the movement of a ship. When muskets were introduced to So'Karsa they quickly worked on becoming expert shots with them as well, essentially the first snipers and trick-shots in So'Karsa.

  • The Iruka Family

The Iruka Family is well known for Ship Building, and have long been masters of the techniques. The Iruka family were once a group of peasant workers who served the Umiken family as shipwrights and builders, when the call for a new great family was sent to the Kamakiri Clan they were raised up to the position.

The Ryu Clan

The Ryu (竜) Clan rules over the Gaien, Kousou, and Sabishii Provinces from the city of Maizuru. The Ryu Clan consists of the Reiken, Kishi, and Eiyu families. The Reiken family rules over the Sabishii Province where both Maizuru and the Imperial Capital of Ki'Tal are located, they are the head family of the Ryu Clan.

  • The Reiken Family
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The Daimyo of the Ryu Family and the right hand of the Empress during the Warring States era of So'Karsa

The Reiken Family became the head of the Kawaguchi Clan when the last Kawaguchi family member, the daughter of the previous daimyo, married into the Reiken Family. The Reiken family led the Kawaguchi Clan from Akitsu, unable to recover from the loss of the main family. The Reiken family were one of the three founding families of So'Karsa, and they are also known as the Imperial Family, albeit very few are actually related to the Emperor/Empress of So'Karsa. The Reiken follow the Ryudo faith very closely, and many have taken to a nearly monk like existence, even though they are perhaps the wealthiest family is So'Karsa.

  • The Kishi Family

The Kishi family was created by order of Shogun Hikari from the Ashigaru who had long served the Reiken Family. The Kishi family is one of three families that can trace its ancestry back to the Ashigaru that served the Kawaguchi clan in Akitsu.

  • The Eiyu Family

The Eiyu were the second family formed from among the Ashigaru that had long served the Ryu Clan. The Eiyu family were assigned the duty of protecting the city of Ki'Tal by Shogun Hikari. When So'Karsa was abandoned by the Kazemuran Empire the newly proclaimed Empress Komoko assigned them the additional duty of defending the immediate Imperial Family, and the Imperial Palace. These duties have never been rescinded since they were granted.

The Kumo Clan

The Kumo (蜘蛛) Clan rules over the Goju, Ninube, and Gyushi Provinces from the city of Katine. The Kumo Clan consists of the Kaiken, Sabaku, and Hebi families.

  • The Kaiken Family
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The legendary hero Sabaku Nao fought during the Warring States Era of So'Karsa

The Kaiken family was one of the three founding families of So'Karsa, and is the head of the Kumo Clan. The Kaiken Family has a long history of being dangerous and violent warriors, holding more to the ways of war than to the ways of peace. It was because of this that they were quickly granted the tittle of the Conquerors of the Desert when they captured Kai'Hina nearly without outside aid.

Many people still fear the Kaiken family, and the Kumo clan as a whole, because of their long history of violence and lust for war. Even in modern times the voices of the Kaiken family shout for new lands to conquer and new people to subjugate where others would seek peace. Various Clans have gone to war with the Kumo Clan for what was said in the Imperial Senate, even within the last decade.

  • The Sabaku Family

The Subaku family was founded by the first Shaikan tribes that swore fealty to Emperor Reiken Dairu. As a reward they were unified into a great family and made members of the Kumo Clan. Over the years many Subaku have intermixed with other members of the Kumo clan, as well as other clans, making them a family of heavily mixed ancestry. The Subaku also introduced their fighting styles and techniques to the rest of the Kumo Clan, which was soon integrated into the martial training for the clan as a whole.

  • The Hebi Family

The Hebi Family were formed from a latter group of Shaikan tribes that swore fealty to the Emperor. These Shaikan tribesmen were also rewarded with becoming a great family and united into the Kumo Clan. The Hebi clan have remained mostly pure Shaikan, holding true to many of their ancestral ways, but mixing in the parts of the new culture that gave them an advantage in the desert. the Hebi family also live a semi-nomadic life to this day, focusing on their duty to defend the land from outside forces, and from renegades. They have held this duty as sacred ever since they were unified under the Emperor's rule.

The Kirin Clan

The Kirin (麒麟) Clan rules over the Eijitsu, Ikoku, and Isei Provinces from the city of Kai'Hina.

  • The Nakashima Family
  • The Moto Family
  • The Matsuoka Family

The Komainu Clan

The Komainu (狛犬) Clan rules over the Renga, Ikota, and Kaeru Provinces from the city of Si'Rindrel.

  • The Kitsuko Family
  • The Nakamura Family
  • The Takahashi Family

The Fushicho Clan

The Fushicho (父子著) Clan rules the Yogen, Yosomono, and Omoidasu Provinces from the city of Ur'Nerix.

  • The Nakano Family
  • The Tsuruchi Family
  • The Maki Family

The Tsuru Clan

The Tsuru (鶴) Clan rules the Anshin, Itoshii, and Umoeru Provinces from the city of Jaiy'Ru.

  • The Moshi Family
  • The Ueno Family
  • The Kato Family

The Sasori Clan

The Sasori (蠍) Clan rules the Hizoku, Kawa, and Beiden Provinces from the city of Ko'Suiki.

  • The Inoue Family
  • The Kimura Family
  • The Hisakawa Family

The Kani Clan

the Kani (蟹) Clan rules the Juuin, Kuda, and Yoake Provinces from the city of Dar'Jen. The Kani clan consists of the Yoritomo family.

  • The Koizumi Family
  • The Yoritomo Family
  • The Fujita Family









The Art of Dueling is a long held tradition within So'Karsa, it has been a part of the Empire since before its founding.

Honor Duel

An Honor Duel often occurs when one person is shamed, or treated negatively by another. The one who was offended will then challenge the other to a duel to ensure that their honor is avenged. The challenged will select the location of the duel, but it must be within ten miles of the original challenging location. Each will select a melee weapon of their choice, no weapon longer then five feet is allowed in an Honor Duel. These duels are always to First Blood, and are thus much less lethal compared to most other duels.


Traditional So'Karsan Music has a large emphasis on drums of various sizes and sounds. These drums were used as both signals during wars, as wars of giving order. The common use of drums soon evolved into part of the culture, as these war drums began varying in size and began to be used during training, and with specific aspects of warfare. Bells, and giant gongs were added to add more power to each strike, as well as increased the use of these drums in festivals.

Traditional So'Karsan Music is still played live all over the nation, especially in military training camps, and at festivals among both the people.