Vasily of the Kubanizan Federation

Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127. Vasily Ivanovych Bukanko (born Alvan 26, 1491) was the Commander of the United Khorobri Forces from 1519 until it was disbanded in 1525, after which he became Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Kubaniza. In 1527 he was elected Grand Hetman of Kubaniza after the Khapuz Convention in that same year. He has four children, Prince Kryshtof, Prince Ivan, Princess Helena, and Prince Mykola.

Early life

Vasily was born the only son of Ivan Bukanko, a prominent nobleman from Bukanya. He was born in a tumultuous time, as with the fall of the monarchy in Severyane (whose empire Kubaniza was at the time a vassal of), the Communists under the leadership of Vladmir Perov had risen to power, and Kubaniza was in rebellion. The uprising officially ended in 1493, two years after his birth, when the Kubanizan rebels accepted the amnesty offered by Vladmir Perov and Kubaniza peacefully acceded to the Union of Socialist Republics. He would later comment that, as a youth, he had wished he had been old enough to fight, and that his dream of fighting against the "occupiers" was what "led me to take the road that I did."

Ivan Bukanko died when Vasily was 21, meaning that Vasily inherited the family's wealth. At the age of 23, Vasily joined a local underground militia; the Bukanya Battalion, and used his wealth to aid and equip the Bukanya Battalion. In 1516, when Vasily was age 25, he became the Colonel of the Bukanya Battalion. Those who knew Vasily in those years described him as "very charismatic," which had much to do with his swift rise through the ranks. While Colonel of the Battalion, he kept a day job as the CEO of a large, state-run construction company.

Fighting against the Union

In the election of 1519, Gregor Perov, grandson of Vladmir Perov and a renowned proponent of Severyan racial superiority, was elected Premier of the Socialist People. Gregor Perov was well known throughout the Union of Socialist Republics for his racist views against non-Severyan Vostics, and his belief that non-Severyans, especially Kubanizans, Dorans, and Modurans, should be stripped of their equal rights within the Union. After his election, Vasily organized a meeting between khorobri leaders from across Kubaniza. At this meeting, the United Khorobri Forces was created and Vasily was chosen as its Commander.

Vasily Bukanko led Kubanizan khorobri forces against the Union in the Winter War, during which he gained much recognition and popularity among the Kubanizan people for his leadership role.

Supreme Commander and Grand Hetman

After the Bukanya Accords took effect and the Winter War came to an end, the United Khorobri Forces disbanded. Vasily and several other commanders soon formed the Armed Forces of Kubaniza to act as a military force for the country until a proper government could be established. It was agreed by many influential leaders throughout Kubaniza to call a convention where the establishment of a government could be discussed. In early 1526, the Khapuz Convention was convened in the city of Khapuz. The Convention consisted of political leaders and nobles from across Kubaniza. The first protocol of the Convention was to give temporary governing powers to the Armed Forces. Vasily was appointed the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Kubaniza by unanimous vote. As Supreme Commander and with effectively dictatorial powers, Vasily spent most of the period between Quartyr 1526 (when he was appointed Supreme Commander) and Dosa 1527 (when the Khapuz Convention was signed) keeping the peace and ensuring the country did not fall into anarchy.

In Dosa of 1527, the Constitution of the Kubanizan Federation was signed, ratified, and came info effect. According to it, Vasily Bukanko was to become Grand Hetman of a newly-established Kubanizan Federation. A vote had been held by the Convention members to elect who would become the Grand Hetman, and Vasily had won by a large margin.