List of sovereign states

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The list of sovereign states provides an overview of world states and their recognition status. As there is no official accepted criteria for consideration of a sovereign state, this list is based on the criteria established in the Treaty of Athenne (1376), and further developed in the Convention of the Rights of States. This "Athennian sovereignty" is synonymous with de facto sovereignty, and claims that a state is sovereign if it has:

  • a permanent population,
  • a defined territory,
  • a government, and
  • the capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

These guidelines are the most widely accepted when considering the legal status of a state.

List of States

Short name Formal name Sovereignty dispute Notes
Template:Country data Flag-ADW.jpg Adwest Grand Kingdom of Adwest None The Adwestene Monarchy claims sovereignty over several bordering states to its west and south, and has embarked on a diplomatic campaign to reunify these "historically Adwestene lands".
Template:Country data AemerionFlag.png Aemeria Freehold of Aemeria None None
Template:Country data Flag-AKI.svg Akitsu Empire of Akitsu None None
Template:Country data AKS-Capital-Zoomed.png Akrasad The United Provinces of the Grand Sultanate of Akrasad None None
Template:Country data Flag-Angiris.png Angiris Angirisian Empire None None
Template:Country data Flag-ARR.png Arrenland Kingdom of Arrenland None None
Template:Country data Flag-ASH.png Ashford Grand Kingdom of Ashford None None
Template:Country data Flag-AUR.png Aurentine Third Republic of Aurentine None None
Template:Country data Flag-Baur.png Baur People's Republic of Baur None None
Template:Country data Flag-BIY.png Biyra Kingdom of Biyra None None
Template:Country data Flag-CER.png Ceribia Ceribian Federation None None
Template:Country data Flag-DET.png Detectatia Detectatian Federal Republic None None
Template:Country data Flag-DRA.png Drahen Imperial Republic of Drahen None None
Template:Country data Flag-Eskkya.png Eskkya Federal Republic of Eskkya None None
Template:Country data Flag-FLO.png Florinthus Federation of Florinthus None None
Template:Country data 900px-Flag.svg.png Ga'bath Ga'bath Akhadic Republic None None
Template:Country data Flag-GAL.png Galeae Federal Kingdom of Galeae None None
Template:Country data Galizia.png Galizia Republic of Galizia None None
Template:Country data Flag-GEH.png Gehenna Gehennan Empire None None
Template:Country data Flag-goldecia.png Goldecia Kingdom of Goldecia None None
Template:Country data Flag-Hoinom.png Hôinôm Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm None None
Template:Country data Flag-ISH.png Ishnalla Ishnalli Empire None None
Template:Country data Flag-KAL.png Kaljurand Kaljuran Federal Mandate None None
Template:Country data Flag-KAV.png Kave Grand Duchy of Kave None None
Template:Country data Flag-KAZ.gif Kazemura Kingdom of Kazemura None None
Template:Country data Flag-KIL.png Killearn Federation of Killearn None None
Template:Country data Flag-KOK.png Kōkina Empire of Kōkina None None
Template:Country data Flag-KUB.png Kubaniza Kubanizan Federation None None
Template:Country data Flag-KYR.png Kyrland Principality of Kyrland None None
Template:Country data Flag Kyrzbekistan Democratic Republic of Kyrzbekistan None None
Template:Country data Flag-HLE.png Lanlania Holy Lanlanian Empire None None
Template:Country data Flag-MES.png Mestra Mestran Imperium None None
Template:Country data Flag-Millerainia.png Millerainia Commonwealth of Millerainia None None
Template:Country data Flag-MIT.png Mithraina Republic of Mithraina None None
Template:Country data Flag Mordvania Republic of Mordvania None None
Template:Country data Flag-NOV.png Novange Republic of Novange None None
Template:Country data Flag-NYL.png Nyland Nylander Republic None None
Template:Country data Flag-OCI.png Ocititania Octitanian Empire None None
Template:Country data Flag-OSL.png Oslanburg Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg None None
Template:Country data Flag-OST.png Ostland Republic of Ostland None None
Template:Country data Flag-PYT.jpg Pythos United Provinces of Pythos None None
Template:Country data Flag-ROH.png Rohn Principality of Rohn None None
Template:Country data Flag-SAI.png Sainam Federal Republic of Sainam None None
Template:Country data Flag-SFS.png Saratov Socialist Federation of Saratov None None
Template:Country data Sáppá flag3.jpg Sáppá Sáppá Nation None None
Template:Country data Flag-SEV.png Severyane Severyanian Democratic People's Republic None None
Template:Country data Flag-Seq.png Sequoia Federal Republic of Sequoia None None
Template:Country data Flag-SIN.png Singan Kingdom of Singan None None
Template:Country data Flag of French Polynesia.svg Sivelia Confederation of Sivelia None Sivelia is known for its maritime patrolling and its strict control of seagoing container flows. Several disputes have occurred between the confederation and other countries, mainly caused by disagreements on maritime borders and intrusions within the Sivelian exclusive economic zone.
Template:Country data Flag-CTR.gif Central Tambossa Central Tambossan Republic None None
Template:Country data Flag-TIE.jpg Tieguo United Republic of Tieguo None None
Template:Country data Flag-TJU.png Tiejungo Republic of Tiejungo None None
Template:Country data Flag-Tulana.png Tulana Hanate of Tulana None None
Template:Country data Tuscarawas.png Tuscarawas Tuscarawas Dominion None None
Template:Country data Flag-UKV.png United Kingdom United Kingdom of Hylis and Talamhle None None
Template:Country data Flag-VLF.png Váliszföldek Kingdom of Váliszföldek None None
Template:Country data Flag-VAL.png Valland Republic of Valland None None
Template:Country data Flag-VerdeEmeral.png Verde Emeral Commonwealth of Verde Emeral None None
Template:Country data Flag-Vienland.png Vienlund Repyblic of Veinlund None None
Template:Country data Flag-Zanaro.png Zanaro Empire of Zanaro None None
Template:Country data Flag-ZAR.png Zargistan People's State of Zargistan None None