History of Lanlania

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The history of the Lanlanian nation has only really been recorded since 1000 BCE. It spans through several successors to the original tribes that inhabited the island.

Prehistoric History

The history of Lanlania begins with the displacement of the original inhabitants by Geinic tribes that arrived from the mainland at around 930 BCE. What happened to the original inhabitants is unsure, though it believed many either interbred with the Geins or were forced off the islands, likely to the east. However, due to the lack of records, not much is known about these people or their traits. Geinic tribes continued to move to and from the island until the rise of the First Kingdom of Lanlania in 620 BCE.

Early History

Tribal Lanlania

Recorded history on the island began with the arrival of the Geins, who recorded significant events on stone in their leaders' tombs (likely a tradition from before parchment reached widespread use) and parchment elsewhere. Though much of the parchment records have been lost to history, the remainder and discovered tombs have allowed archeologists to piece together a rough history of tribal Lanlania.

From their arrival until the establishment of the Kingdom of Lanlania, Lanlania was largely partitioned among several tribes. The largest were the Lyns, who reined from the modern Duchy of Halvadag. Between 900 and 650 BCE, the Lyns conquered most of the other tribes. By 620 BCE, they had conquered or vassalized the entire island. That same year, Ördin I was recognized as "Kïnne ëv Lïnlunde", or "King of Lanlania". He is consequently recognized as the first ruler of a unified Lanlania.

Reformation of Lanlanian Society

With the establishment of a "state", society and administration on the island did change somewhat. No longer was a tribal society an accurate term to describe Lanlania's. Though the tribes still existed at a fundamental levels, the intermingling that came from — and during — the Lyns' wars blurred the lines significantly. Instead, many of the tribes formed power centers around their original territories, which effectively became counties, or lännes — the Old Lanlian word for 'lands' — which were ruled by a lännjr. These words have evolved to läns and länsjr respectively.

The larger territories, which often held other, smaller tribes within, came to be duchies: jarlin ruled by jarl. The Old Lanlanian words for these terms have not been confirmed.

Regardless, by 580 BCE, these terms would be in widespread use.

First Kingdom of Lanlania

Ordin I passed the throne to his son in 610 BCE, Dominik I, before his death six years later — beginning such a tradition among early Lanlanian monarchs. It's believed that was done to allow Dominik to prove himself to his vassals and ensure he be followed after Ordin's death. This tradition would be followed by nearly all consequent monarchs, the only exception being those who died in battle. In such cases, the counts and dukes often continued to serve the new king, as they'd developed a tradition of distributing conquered lands to the warriors for settlements.

Such strategy was used to great effect during the invasions of Galeae and Aurentine, whose modern borders would be completely under Lanlanian rule by 580 BCE and 560 BCE respectively. The Lanlanians managed to rule these territories from Halvadag in large part by simply not ruling them at all, instead allowing significant autonomy and simply recruiting local warriors to wage expansionist wars elsewhere. The Lanlanians would use this method over the next century to steadily expand to consume most of southern Geinland, reaching their greatest extent in the region by 400 BCE.

The ruling dynasty in Lanlania changed twice during this period, first during 536 BCE and then again in 462 BCE. Both times, the king died without a clear heir. This led to a tournament between the various rulers of the empire — including those from the mainland — for the right to claim his throne. They were not allowed to have another man fight in their stead. In 536 BCE, count Owen from eastern Lanlania won the throne and would be crowned by Öwen I, while in 416 BCE Florinthian Feryn the Glorious was crowned. His Wendyllian dynasty would rule Lanlania for the next several centuries.

The Wendyllian dynasty would guide Lanlania in the conquest of Geinland, and its Feryn the Glorious would declare the High Kingdom in 402 BCE.

High Kingdom of Lanlania

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The High Kingdom of Lanlania would last until the formation of the Holy Lanlanian Empire in 1028. The Lanlanians would reach their greatest extent in Brigidna during the High Kingdom era, expanding eastward towards the Near East, eventually arriving in Azreae, which they would hold until modern day.

Pre-Sentrist Empire

Feryn the Glorious would declare the High Kingdom in 402 BCE, in response to mainland vassals demanding to keep the title of "king". In 392 BCE, he would be converted to the Messanic Faith by refugees fleeing Mahkal Azreae. This marked the beginning of the Messanic era in western Brigidna, which would see constant conversion efforts of Geinland and other Lanlanian territories. It'd also see significant religious influence on politics.

Feryn would be the first Lanlanian monarch to declare a Just Labor{{{1}}}a personal goal believed to be by God's will{{{1}}}which would be adopted by his successors. From 388 BCE until the Fall of Nellaheim in 248 BCE, the Lanlanians would strive to liberate the Holy Land from Mahkal occupation. Feryn would begin these efforts with the invasion of Syorid and western Castleon in 382 BCE.

His successors would continue his Labor, steadily expanding west over the next century. They would largely limit these conquests to coastal territories and the surrounding countryside until after Azreae's conquest in 248 BCE.

In 248 BCE, Kenŧ the Conqueror would march victorious into Nellaheim, ending the Lanlanians' century-long mission. The Aldes and the College of Aldrva would be installed in the city two years later. From this point forward, Lanlania would be involved in eastern politics, fighting several wars with the Mahkal and even a few with the Angirisians and the Mestrans.

The conquest of Azreae would see Lanlanian attention shift the Conversion of Geinland which would at times be marked with significant bloodshed. Lanlanian monarchs would also attempt to consolidate and expand their territories in the Eskonsan peninsula. Lanlania would keep many of these territories well after losing Geinland in the Geinic Revolutions.

In 142 BCE the Aldes would recognize the Lanlanians' contribution to the Messanic Faith by crowning High King Willem I Emperor of the Messanites, forming the Messanite Empire. This act would fracture the Messanite Faith, as believers in the east refused to recognize a foreign ruler as their sovereign.

The Lanlanians would invade southern Valland in 114 BCE under Lukas III. A few years later, Lukas would conquer the Lomarrens in the along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Adriatica.

Sentrist Empire

The High Kingdom and the Sentrist Empire would be greatly entwined for much of their history. For much of the empire's life, it would be a Lanlanian High King that sat at its throne. Though initially the two were one on the same, the anointment of the Gehennan Rödinger I to the throne in 96 would clarify them as two separate territories.

Both Lanlania and the Sentrist Empire would have a period of relative peace between the 2st century BCE and the late 1st century. In 98 BCE the Sentrist Empire would fight the relatively quick First Sentrist-Mahkal War alongside the Galasian Empire, gaining the Mahkal Empire's territories southeast of Azreae west of the Arreatian Mountains. They'd also conquer a few territories in Eskonsa. Most of their attention, however, would be focused on centralizing their territories. Indeed, aside from Feryn's Code, the Lanlanians had exercised little legal authority over their territories. Lanlania's overseas territories had been more tributary states than vassals or sovereign territories. Though this began to change first with Feryn the Glorious and later with Kenŧ the Conqueror after the Fall of Nellaheim, it was Willem I who first attempted to seriously bring the territories under Halvadag's administration. He and successors interfered in local administration more often, increased taxes, and attempted to pass an enforce imperial laws. These efforts infuriated local leaders, which led to the Gein Revolutions of the late 1st century.

Loss of Geinland

Between 60 and 90, modern-day Oslanburg, Gehenna, and Florinthus would gain independence. The loss of these territories, the defeat in the Second Sentrist-Mahkal War, the protest of Geinic leaders, and the death of High King Sven I without a clear successor, would lead to the Aldes crowning king Rödinger I of the Geinish Kingdoms as Sentrist Emperor in 96. Rödinger used this as an excuse to claim not only the title of High King but the High Kingdom of Lanlania as well. In the consequent War of Lanlanian Sovereignty Rödinger's invasion of Lanlania would be repelled and the Jarls of Lanlania would elect Hans I as their High King. Though a Lanlanian victory, the Gehennans would keep parts of eastern Aurentine. While most of the Geins would proceed follow Rödinger, many territories in the east would remain in the High Kingdom of Lanlania. Azreae was the largest exception, with the Aldes making it clear the Holy Land belonged to the Sentrists as a whole and not the Lanlanians alone.

The death of Otto the Mad at the end of the Gehennan Civil War of 153 led to the Sentrist throne being passed to the Vallish king Jonas II. Though previously a vassal of the High King of Lanlania, the Aldes's blessing allowed Jonas II to declare the Kingdom of Valland a sovereign state, which the Lanlanians recognized without armed contestation. However, the Lanlanians would keep Lylie, citing that Lukas III had claimed it for himself during the Invasion of Valland.

Holy Lanlanian Empire

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The Holy Lanlanian Empire began when Kayden II dissolved the Sentric Empire and declared the Holy Lanlanian Empire its successor in 1028, shortly after the Avalsyanist Revolutions.